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He trails off as I wince. “Right. I get it.”

“Well, I’m glad you do, but I still have fucking questions. Like, how the fuck you let her take the lead on what went down earlier? She could have been fucking killed,” Splinter snaps.

Rex tenses, hands fisted at his side. “Jinx knows the risks. She’s good at her job.”

“She was fucking shot!” Knight bellows.

Nico staggers back a little. “What?”

“Knight,” I snap sharply.

“No, Eightball. It needs to be said.”

“Her backup didn’t say shit.” Rex looks to Nico for confirmation, but Nico is staring at Knight.

“Back up? They were a fucking joke. That Jake guy is lucky I didn’t put a bullet in his brain,” Splinter spits out.

“Where was she shot?” Rex moves to head back inside, but I grab his arm and stop him.

“Her vest caught it, but she hit the ground pretty hard. She’s bruised, but otherwise, she’s good.”

“That’s why she’s using the chair.”

I shrug. I’m not going to mention how the bedroom Olympics probably didn’t help.

“Look, there’s an all-night diner not far from here. If you want to know what went down, we’ll meet you there.”

“And why would we do that?” Rex folds his arms.

“Because we’re not going away, and if you love that girl in there as much as you say you do, then you’ll want to make this all as painless as possible.”

I climb on my bike and start her up, watching Splinter and Knight do the same. I ride out once we’re all ready, knowing they’ll follow behind me. Heading to the diner, I decide to give Rex and Nico the benefit of the doubt. We don’t have to like each other, but if we want Jinx in our lives, we need to find a way to co-exist. Offering an olive branch is the first step. And if they don’t turn up, we can be honest with Jinx when we say we tried.

It’s busy at the diner when we pull in. It doesn’t matter what time of day or night it is. There is always a parking lot full of cars here, all wanting one of Nancy’s famous breakfasts.

I leave my helmet on my bike and head inside to find a table. Nodding to Nancy when I enter, she offers me a wide smile before pointing to a booth in the back. I wink at her and head that way, sliding in first before Knight drops down beside me. Splinter sits across from us as we wait for Nico and Rex to join us.

“Are we really fucking eating with those assholes?” Knight asks, picking up the menu and scanning it, even though he has the same damn thing every time we come here.

“Those guys are her family. You want Jinx in your life? This is how you prove it.”



I don’t know why I’m so angry. They were all bound to butt heads. You can’t have five alpha males in one room without a little bloodshed. Still, I can’t help how I feel. As the anger bubbles up and rages inside me, I allow it to spill over as I grip the arms of my chair hard enough for my fingers to cramp.

Rolling to the fridge, I grab a bottle of water before I head back to the living room, where my discarded shorts are. I grab them and find my cell phone in the pocket. I check it and see multiple missed calls from both Rex and Nico before noticing a text from a number I don’t recognize.

I open it up and read:

Scope told me what he wants you to do. You don’t have to do this. I’m your friend, and Scope won’t hesitate to milk that for all it’s worth. I’m so pissed. Don’t let him be the reason you walk away from the center. I really think we’d make a good team.

Opening a second text from the same number, I laugh.

Oh, this is Mercy. I really should have started with that. LOL

I dial the number and wait for her to answer.
