Page 37 of Tainted Deception

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My heart hammered against my ribs as I turned to face Jace. He was watching me carefully as he stepped out of the hotel, not stopping until he was within a couple of feet of me. I peered around him, wondering where the hell Kian was.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, backing up a couple of steps.

“Why are you here?” he countered, reclaiming the space I’d created between us. “I didn’t take you for a fancy dinner type of girl.”

“I’m here to help Alicia,” I lied with a shrug. “Moral support. How’d you find me?”

A smug grin was the only answer I got, and the silence was interrupted when the guy I’d hurt came barreling outside, his eyes wild with rage.

“You fucking bitch,” he snarled, charging at me. “You think you can hurt me—”

Jace’s hand shot out, his fingers wrapping around the back of the guy’s neck and yanking him away from me. “Get the fuck out of here. I’m trying to get lucky tonight.”

My jaw dropped, wondering what the hell Jace was doing. The guy pushed Jace away, breathing hard as he glared between us.

“Don’t bother with her,” the guy spat out, his gaze trailing down the oversized hoodie and sweatpants. “I bet her pussy isn’t even worth it.”

“I can say from personal experience that she is worth it,” Jace replied with a dangerous edge to his voice. “But if you talk about her like that again, you’ll fucking regret it.”

The guy glanced between us, his eyes widening when he realized that Jace and I knew each other. He stumbled back a few steps, putting himself closer to me.

“I do business with people at this hotel,” he raged. “One word from me, and I can have your asses tossed out on the street.”

I frowned, studying him as he sized up Jace. The way he was making threats had me believing the business he did here wasn’t exactly legal. If he worked with James, I really didn’t want to do anything to piss James off when he was helping me.

“You’re going to regret doing that,” he threatened, his words directed at me. “You should get on your knees and apologize.”

I laughed callously, stepping closer to him. “Say that again. I fucking dare you.”

Jace was rigid, his glare staying on the asshole. “Last time I tell you—get the hell out of here.”

Instead of listening, he darted forward, his hand raised to slap me. My reflexes had me moving out of the way, but before I could take a step, something brushed my shoulder, and then an arm shot past me, grabbing the guy’s wrist.

“Are you deaf?” Kian asked in a low voice as he stepped in front of me, shoving the guy back into Jace. “He told you to fuck off.”

“Get off,” the guy snarled when Jace grabbed him under the arms.

“Were you really going to hit her?” Jace asked, tightening his hold when the guy began struggling.

Kian snagged my arm before I could back away, tugging me into his chest. “Where you going, Rynn?”

“Away from you,” I retorted, glancing at him over my shoulder. “How did you two even know I was here?”

Kian stayed quiet just like Jace did, and unease slid through me. Did they have a way to track me? I’d have to search all my things because I could not have them popping up when I was running jobs for Ellie.

“What’s going on here?”

Two men with flashlights approached us, both wearing security uniforms. Apparently, James’s men were finished with whatever they were dealing with.

“They attacked me,” the guy yelled, fighting against Jace. “I want them out of here.”

One of the security guards shined his light on me, recognition flaring in his gaze. Kian stiffened, his arm staying locked around me.

“This man,” I pointed at the guy, “tried hitting me after I told him I wasn’t interested.”

The security guard glanced at Kian and Jace. “And these two?”
