Page 88 of Lust

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Sofia stands frozen in the doorway, her eyes darting up and down. And her face… Oh God, her face. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it—those wide eyes, that quivering mouth.

She’s terrified.

The room spins around me, and my heart pounds violently in my chest. My hand instinctively moves to smooth down my skirt over my bare skin.

“What…” Brandon blinks. “What are you doing here?”

Sofia’s quiet for a long moment. “I texted you.” Her voice is small. Faint. “I wanted to see your office.”

It’s only now that I’m able to take in her appearance—her emerald dress and perfectly curled hair. Of course. She’s going to see Finn. She mentioned something yesterday about wanting to see Brandon first so that she could rub it in Finn’s face.

Maybe she won’t go see Finn now. Maybe she’ll go straight to my parents’ house to let them know what she walked in on.

The thought isn’t the least bit comforting.

“Oh, I…” Brandon swallows. “I didn’t see your text.”

Sofia’s jaw ticks. “No, you were busy.”

Brandon flinches as if physically struck. “Yes.” His voice is just above a whisper.

For a moment, there’s silence. Then Sofia laughs, a brittle, haunting sound that drifts through the room like smoke. “I can’t believe this, Brandon. I can’t believe this is who you are. You’re a fucking liar. A charlatan pastor like the…” She shakes her head. “You’re like the pastors who have affairs and order call girls and then have the audacity to preach on Sunday as if nothing happened. Except it’s my baby sister you took advantage of.”

“Sofi, I’m a grown woman.” The words are out before I can think, and I want to bite them back into my mouth. Now is not the time to try reasoning with her.

She pins me with a hard stare. “How long has this been going on?”

“Since two weeks ago,” Brandon says, his voice unsteady.

Sofia huffs. “So Mariana is the woman you sinned with. Your PA.”

Brandon shuts his eyes. “Yes.”

“And you kept sinning.” She gestures at the desk.


“How could you do…” She shakes her head, blinking rapidly. “What I just saw you do. Do you have no respect for my family? For my dad?”

Brandon shuts his eyes, and I can feel his despair in the air between us. “I love your dad. I don’t… I didn’t want to hurt anyone.”

Sofia laughs humorlessly. “I think you just didn’t care. You’re just as bad as secular men of the world, Brandon. You’re so sex crazed, you don’t care who you hurt.”

Rage flares suddenly, making my tongue loose. “Sofi, that’s ridiculous. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

Brandon turns to me, lifting a hand. His eyes are so cold and remote, I want to curl into a ball on the floor. Gone is the man who sat in his desk chair and watched me with wicked eyes.

“I’m going to tell Mom and Dad,” Sofi says. “I’m going to tell them exactly what I walked in on.”

Brandon lifts his chin. “That’s your right.”

For the first time since Sofia walked in on us, his voice is firm. Of course. He probably wants her to tell my dad.

He wants atonement.

Sofia’s eyes meet mine one last time before she turns around and marches away, and a heavy silence settles over the room. I turn to look at Brandon, and his face is taut. His eyes are dark and unreadable.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

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