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We make love twice more before we finally fall asleep. I could probably have managed a couple more, but I don’t want to make her sore, and after her number of orgasms reaches double figures, I let her rest.

She dozes off in my arms, exhausted. I’m tired too, but I lie awake for a while, listening to her breathing, and just enjoying holding her. It’s always fun to make a woman feel good, but there’s something different about Belle. I love the look in her eyes just before she comes—that complete surprise, as if the intensity of the pleasure shocks her every time. Will it ever fade? Maybe eventually she’ll get used to it, but I’ve enjoyed being the source of her ecstasy.

Part of me is tempted to ask to see her again. But I don’t. I tell myself it’s because of Alex. Deep down, though, I know it’s nothing to do with him. The truth is there’s something about this girl that has the potential to infiltrate the barrier I’ve placed around my heart. Maybe it’s her innocence, or perhaps it’s that I feel comfortable with her because I’ve known her for so long. Or maybe it’s just that she’s beautiful and warm-hearted, and she seems to enjoy my company. But I know that seeing her in Wellington would be a mistake. I don’t want to open myself up to being vulnerable again. Especially as she told me she’s going to Australia for two months. She might meet a guy there and fall in love, and then decide she’s not coming back. The last thing I need is to have my heart broken again.

No, best end it now. It’s been great, wonderful even. But all good things come to an end.

I close my eyes, squashing my disappointment, and trying not to think about how I wish I could have her in my arms every night.

Eventually I fall asleep.


In the morning, we order breakfast from room service, and we sit up in bed, eating cereal and fruit, croissants with butter and jam, and drink piping hot lattes, while we talk about what we’re up to in our lives.

For the first time, I tell her about my upcoming meeting with Lewis. I’m lying back on the pillows, legs stretched out, and she’s sitting beside me, cross-legged, the white sheet draped around her.

“It’s my first sexual harassment case at Kingpinz,” I admit. “I’ve had some training, but I’m… confused.”

“What about?”

I swirl the coffee in my cup. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“What do you think would have happened if I hadn’t stopped Cole the other day? Would he have taken it further?”

“Do you mean would he have raped me?”

I meet her eyes. “I suppose so.” I don’t want to upset her, but she considers the question thoughtfully.

“I don’t think so. He was frustrated, and drunk. He thinks I still like him, and he was trying to make me admit it. I don’t think he realized he frightened me.”

I hold out my hand, and she slides hers into it. “I didn’t realize how he made you feel at the time,” I say softly. “I thought you were annoyed and frustrated, but Juliette explained how scary men can be when they use their strength to intimidate women. I am sorry about that.”

“It’s okay.”

“The thing is, Helen, my head of HR, said she thinks Lewis might have just read the signs wrong—that he genuinely thought this girl liked him. Helen said she thinks the girl might have tried to laugh it off because she didn’t know what to say. If that’s true, how do I know I haven’t intimidated women without knowing it? The thought horrifies me.”

“Aw.” She leans forward and kisses me. “The way you put women on a pedestal? That’s never going to happen. Look, don’t talk to him about signs and whether she was into him or not. That’s irrelevant. The fact is that she didn’t seek or want his attention. It’s important that you listen to his side of things, but it’s also your role to make it clear that sexual harassment is not tolerated at Kingpinz, that his behavior was unacceptable and must not happen again, and that Kingpinz’s policy is to discourage workplace relationships because it exposes the company to this sort of complaint. Read out the company policy about what constitutes sexual harassment and tell him that he’s a professional and he needs to keep his hands and comments to himself.”

“I forget you’re studying law,” I say softly, impressed.

She shrugs. “I might not enjoy it, but I guess I’ve picked up some stuff along the way. I’d also advise that Helen explains to the girl that if she receives unwelcome attention, she needs to say the word ‘no’ loudly and clearly. Most men will stop when that happens. Cole didn’t, but he was drunk, and I think if things had carried on, he would have if I’d repeated it. Am I glad you were there to stop him? Yes. Did he scare me? Also yes. Could things have gone south? Maybe. I like to think I’d have stopped him one way or another, though. I didn’t need rescuing. That doesn’t mean I didn’t appreciate it or enjoy it.” She smiles.

Thinking about what she said, I take the tray with our empty plates over to the table and come back to find her standing in front of the window. The sun pours across her from behind, surrounding her in a gold glow. She’s holding the sheet at her breasts, and it hangs around her in folds. She looks like a Greek goddess.

She turns to look at me. “Don’t move,” I tell her hastily. I retrieve my phone. “Would you mind if I took a photo? Just say no if you’d rather I didn’t.”

“I don’t mind,” she murmurs, so I move back to fit her in the frame and take a couple of pictures.

When I’m done, I go up and slide my arms around her from behind, showing her the photos I’ve taken. “My muse,” I tell her, kissing her shoulder.

“Oh yes, I’ve got a bone to pick with you,” she says.

“A boner?”

“A bone,” she scolds. “You never told me you were a painter.”
