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“Ooohhh…” I sigh when he finally releases me. “What a welcome.”

He chuckles and picks up my bag. “I’ve missed you, can you tell? Come on in.”

I take the hand he offers and let him lead me inside. “Oh Damon, this place is amazing.”

“I’m so glad you like it. I fell in love with it when I first saw it.”

“It’s very you.” It’s spacious, open plan, and filled with light. The furniture is minimalist—chrome, glass, and cream leather. The kitchen is large and clean. There’s a dining table that seats eight and an outside table too, and a covered area on the deck with an outdoor suite, lamps, and a deck heater—I’m guessing he spends a lot of time out there.

He takes me through to the other end of the house, showing me the small gym, the several spare rooms, and the impressive master bedroom. The huge bed faces the window, with all the wardrobes behind it, so there’s nothing to mar the incredible view.

The only thing more impressive than the bed is the bathroom. It’s all white marble, and at the far end is a square area with a couple of steps up, and a ginormous white sunken bath.

“Wow,” I say. “That’s amazing.”

“Looking forward to getting in it with you,” he says, smirking. I grin, because my birthday present for him will definitely mean we’ll need a good wash afterwards, so I’m very happy with that!

Lastly, he takes me into his studio. It’s clear that it was once a dance studio because of the mirrors on one wall, but it also makes a great artist’s studio. The setting sun glints off the mirrors, filling the room with a golden light. It feels peaceful and positive—he’s happy when he’s in here.

He takes me up to a sheet-covered canvas on an easel and gives me a mischievous look.

“It’s finished,” he says. “Want to see?”

Suddenly I’m nervous. I’m determined to pretend I like it, even if I don’t, but I’m anxious as to what it’s going to look like.

“Okay,” I whisper.

He lifts the sheet from the corners of the canvas and lets it drop.

I stare at it. He’s painted a Greek goddess, dressed in a diaphanous white gown. She has dark hair curled to hang over one shoulder, and the strands are decorated with small white flowers. Her golden armband is studded with jewels. She looks like Aphrodite. But it’s quite clearly me.

“It’s calledLimerence,” he says softly.

I blink and look at him.

“It means obsession, or all-consuming passion,” he adds.

My jaw dropping, I look back at the painting. “I thought it was just going to be a portrait of me,” I whisper. “You’ve made me into a goddess.”

“I haven’t made you into anything. This is how I see you.”

I give a short laugh. “Talk about putting a girl on a pedestal. Damon, if you see me like this, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. I’m about as far from being a goddess as it’s possible to be.”

He moves behind me, slides his arms around my waist, and kisses my shoulder. “You’re kind, gentle, funny, elegant, and warm. You make me feel whole again, Belle. Ma belle. My beautiful girl.” He turns me in his arms to face him.

Then he kisses me again.

I’m so overcome, I can’t say anything. I try to blink the tears away, but they trickle out anyway, and soon my cheeks are damp with them. He lifts his head and looks at me, puzzled, brushing them away with his thumbs. “Don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just… nobody’s ever seen me like this before.”

He looks at my mouth. “I’ve seen you like this ever since that day on the beach. I’m crazy about you.” He hesitates. “When I asked Kip how he knew that Alice was the one, he said he didn’t like being apart from her, and that he thought about her all the time. He said if that’s not the definition of love, then what is? So… I think I’m in love with you, Belle.”

I glance at the painting, then back at him. “I think I’m in love with you, too.” How can I not be, when this guy looks at me and sees this?

We study each other for a moment.

“Didn’t expect to say that,” he says, looking surprised.
