Page 51 of Survive for Me

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“Something you want to say to me, Fancy Face?”

“He actually calls you Fancy Face?” Indy squealed. “This is the greatest day of my life.”

“Nothing at all,” I said to Jersey, ignoring Indy entirely. He smiled and I about fell right off that fucking chair. His face was still noticeably bruised, but most of the swelling had gone down enough that he looked like himself again. And a slightly beat up version of this jackass was frustratingly attractive.

“Be out in Seph in ten minutes, Triss.”

“Fuck. And he’s a dom,” Indy said.

“You have to stop talking,” Memphis whispered.



She was waiting for me in the garage well before that ten minute mark even got close, but she stood in the corner with her arms wrapped around her own body.

“Why are you acting like you’ve never been alone with me before?” I asked and walked by her toward Seph. “Get in.”

“Maybe because that’s the longest sentence you’ve spoken to me in weeks?” She mumbled across the roof of Persephone before she opened the door to sit in the passenger’s side. I tried to mentally prepare myself for the level of sass that was apparently ready to burst out of her any second once I was in the car beside her, but she fell right back into silence while I pulled out of the garage and turned around to get to the road. Somehow, this was even more uncomfortable than the first day that I allowed her to ride in that seat rather than in the trunk.

“What is it, Fancy Face?” I asked. “Why are you talking to the children of the corn about me instead of just talking to me?”

“Why Indiana?” She asked.

“That’s what you want to ask me right now?”


Stubborn little witch.

“It’s quiet out here,” I said. “I figured if I ever needed to come here for some reason, quiet would help.”

“Does it? Does it help?”

The sigh came out of me before I could stop it. “Not yet, baby.”

She shifted in her seat at that answer.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

“Nowhere,” I laughed. “Did you want to go somewhere?”


I turned down one of the gravel access roads that cut through the fields around the edges of my property and had to fight to not laugh at how annoyed Trista was instantly by the fact that this car didn’t move over five miles per hour once the wheels touched gravel. Eventually though, I parked in front of the massive pond at the back corner of my property. It was a natural spring that never dried up. It wasn’t clear water and the land around it wasn’t kept mowed, but it was even quieter here than it was everywhere else around the property. Something in me really was always convinced that the silence would help. If I just gave it the chance, maybe the silence could drown out everything that had ever fucking plagued the never-ending, soul-crushing chain of events that kept shoving my ass back toward depression and the desire to kill it all with alcohol. Silence wouldn’t help me in this particular situation though. Silence was making this one worse. I’d been married. I knew how it worked. Silence was the fucking worst when it came to someone you cared for deeply.


So much shit that I needed to tell her.

Zero way to know how she’d react to any of it.

“I know you get a weird high out of it when you scare me, but this isn’t the fun kind of scaring me,” she said quietly.

“Your mom was there,” I said. “She’s the only reason I made it out of that room. She snuck in that tracking device. She came to let me out of there when the others thought they were out searching for you. She’s probably the only reason I’m alive. Even snuck in painkillers for me when she could.”

“Of all the things I’ve tried to imagine you might say to me, none of them were even remotely close to that.”
