Page 74 of Survive for Me

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She absolutely could be meaner than me when the situation called for it. Something about that was wildly impressive to me, and it really did make me believe that he probably wasn’t actually interested in her. He’d never survive her.

Until I thought a little harder about what he’d said.

He didn’t want any part of Trista.

But he absolutely had been sitting here beside me, staring at that pool like his life source was somewhere in the water.

I sat up as straight as I could in that chair to turn and glare at that punk.

“Oh, boy,” Indy said in an instant. “You’d better put some distance between you, hoss.”

Utah was up and out of his chair a heartbeat later to start backing away from where I was still sitting.

“You motherfucking, son of a —.” I cut myself off to also stand. “Are you fucking her?” I screamed at Utah before I looked back to where Memphis was floating in the water. “Are you fucking him?”

“What?” Memphis asked, sliding off her float and into the water.

“Oh, God,” Triss said and rushed from where she was in the pool toward the edge to try to get out as quickly as she could move.

“Listen, I know you’re probably not particularly interested in hearing what I think right now but —,” Utah started to say before I interrupted that shit.

“I will paint this entire fucking house with a cotton ball before I spend even a second of my life worrying about what you think, kiddo. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?”

“Easy man, your age already puts you in heart attack territory. Your blood pressure is about to make it worse,” Utah said and raised his hands.

“You shut the fuck up,” I said to him without bothering to linger on his insults before I turned back to Memphis again while she was getting out of the pool. “Are you sleeping with him?”

“Jersey,” Memphis said, moving to stand between us. “First, that’s absolutely none of your business. Like in any way, shape, or form. And second, no.”

“Then why the fuck are you trying?” I screamed right over her head at Utah.

“He hasn’t actually tried anything?” Memphis asked, like something about this confused her.

“Why wouldn’t he?” Trista asked and even fucking giggled. “She’s gorgeous.”

The way that Utah shrugged his fucking shoulders in agreement with Trista about sent me into a frenzy.

“No,” I snapped. “She’s not.”

“Um, excuse me?” Memphis chimed in. “What?”

“That’s not —. You’re a fucking child. That’s what I meant.”

“I’m twenty-one?” She said and laughed.

“And he’s only twenty-six,” Trista added.

“Why do you even know that?” I snapped at her.

“And aren’t you like way older than Triss?” Utah asked.

“If you open your mouth again, I’ll knock every tooth out of your head, boy,” I threatened. “And don’t fucking call her that.”

I watched him pull an imaginary zipper across his mouth before he smirked.

“I should’ve made popcorn for this,” Indy added.

“Indy,” Utah hissed.
