Page 75 of Survive for Me

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“You stay away from her,” I said and pointed at Utah another time.

“You don’t get to decide that, J,” Trista said quietly and wrapped her fingers around the hand that I was using to threaten that punk. She pulled my hand down and kept it firmly in hers.

“No?” I asked. “Then who the fuck does? Because it’s for damn sure not him,” I said and tried to point at Utah again, but she still wouldn’t release that hand.

“Memphis decides,” Utah said.

Memphis’ whole body lit up like a red glow stick when every set of eyes around that pool landed on her after that. She couldn’t have spoken in that moment if her entire life depended on it.

“I’ve been telling you from the start, man,” Indy said quietly. “She’s into the bad boy style.”

Memphis glared at Indy that time.

“Just means she hasn’t had a real man yet,” Utah said and shrugged his shoulders.

“Fuck,” Trista whispered and smiled. “That was smooth.”

“My fucking God,” I said impatiently.

“Alright,” Trista said and squeezed my hand before she started pulling on my arm. “We’re going back inside.”

“I think —, I’ll — come with you,” Memphis said quietly after she’d looked back over her shoulder at Utah.

“Damn right, you will,” I said and ripped my hand away from Trista to put it on Memphis’ lower back to push her toward the house so both girls would be walking ahead of me. If he couldn’t be trusted to keep his eyes to himself, he’d be stuck staring at my ass until we were all inside. Triss swooped in right beside her to link her arm through Memphis’ while they walked.



“I told you it wasn’t me he’s been watching,” I whispered to Memphis.

“How long has this been going on?” Jersey asked from behind us.

“Nothing has been going on. Jesus,” she said. “We’ve got way bigger things to worry about, guys.”

“Do we?” Jersey asked. “This one feels like it’s got my full attention.”

“I don’t want this one to have your full attention, Jersey Boy,” Memphis said.

“Do you like him?” I asked her.


“Mmm, you answered that awfully fast,” I said and laughed.

“We are not having this conversation,” she said quietly and went for the hallway. It surprised me just as much as it did Memphis when Jersey simply sidestepped out of her way to allow her to escape. She even paused for an extra second to look at him like she fully expected him to reach out and grab her. He was smiling by the time that she was gone, and I’d never been more confused by a set of events in my entire life.

“Why’d you let her leave? I would’ve bet any amount of money that you were about to sit her down and have the sex talk with her right here at the kitchen table. Maybe slap a chastity belt on her. Go a hundred and ten percent psycho. True Jersey style, you know?”

Rather than actually answering me, that man came all the way across the room to trap me against the cabinets and grabbed my face with both his hands to kiss me. I had to lock my hands onto the edge of the countertop behind me to keep myself in place while his tongue left my brain without its usual firing capacity. Being able to feel his dick hardening between us was every bit as fucking distracting as his tongue. I was still standing there like a stunned, motionless fool when he’d taken his mouth back and stood staring right back down at me.

“So,” I managed to say. “That was not at all how I imagined this going. You were so mad out —.”

“I think we’ve got something to talk about, Triss.”

He was smiling while he said it, but his tone was icy enough to send chills all across my skin.

“About Memphis?” I asked. “I don’t think she’s really that interested in U—.”
