Page 106 of Secretary Seduction

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I tipped my head, raising an eyebrow at him. “Eating lunch with my boyfriends. Well, two of them anyway. Grayson’s in a meeting. Why?”

His eyes almost bugged out of his head, and he made a choking sound as he spoke. “You can’t be serious. You’re flaunting it now? You can’t do that shit! Everyone knows we used to go out! I don't need my name tied to a whore!”

Bennett’s grip shifted, holding Luka back as he snarled at Alan. “Say that again, and you and I are gonna have problems.”

Alan looked pissed, glaring at the three of us, but he seemed to hesitate to say more while both Bennett and Luka were next to me. I lifted my chin, refusing to let his words get to me.

“I don't have to tolerate your mistreatment anymore, Alan. Leave me alone, or I’ll report you to HR.”

“There’s no need. He’s right here, gentleman.” Grayson appeared out of nowhere, leading a few police officers behind him. He gestured to Alan, glaring at him. Alan backed away from him, almost bumping into me before Bennett and Luka moved me out of the way.

“What the hell is this? You can’t arrest me because I called her a whore. It’s not illegal!”

Grayson’s face darkened at Alan’s confession, his hands clenching at his sides, but his voice remained calm and steady. “That’s not illegal, though it is a fireable offense. We don't allow harassment here. No, you’re being arrested for corporate espionage, amongst other things. I know all about how you’ve been taking files home and selling them off. There’s a long list of things I’m going to be pressing charges for.”

My jaw almost hit the ground at Grayson’s announcement, and several gasps went up as the entire cafeteria watched the officers grabbing Alan. He struggled against them, shouting and throwing his weight around. When Bennett moved to help them, Grayson put his hand up, shaking his head.

“You’re involved with his ex. I don’t want him to have any reason to say you acted vindictively. Security is on the way to help. They’ll handle Alan.”

Turning to me, he cupped my cheek, his expression serious. “Are you alright?”

I nodded. “Surprised, sure. But I’m okay. I know better than to listen to him anymore. I’d rather listen to you instead.”

That made Grayson grin, and he leaned to whisper in my ear. “Keep being such a good girl, and I’ll have to reward you later.”

Biting my lip, I fought back a snicker. “Is that a promise?”

He hummed his acknowledgement, nipping lightly on my earlobe before straightening again. “My place after work. Technically, it’s my night, but I might be convinced to share as long as everyone gets their work done.”

Luka snorted. “Try and stop us from being there, asshole.”

Grayson just winked, making me want to melt. I might not survive this relationship, but I was going to enjoy every single second until I self combusted from the constant pleasure.

Chapter Fifty


The rumors about Alan’s arrest were so scandalous, no one seemed to pay any attention to my relationship. It went straight from news to old news, which was a relief. I got a few looks every once in a while, but no one said anything about it. Probably because if any of the guys caught anyone staring, they’d level them with a glare and shut them up before they had a chance to say anything.

“Is that everything?”

“No, we’ve got a few more.”

“Is there still room in the van?”

I poked my head out of my room, watching the guys argue about the rest of the boxes. After too many arguments about who was staying where, and whose night it was, Grayson decided the best way to fix the situation was to buy a new place for all of us. A massive penthouse not far from work, with rooms for each of us when we needed time alone, and beds big enough to fit all four of us in every room. It was a lavish expense, but with a company expansion and plans to open up a European office, Grayson was in such a good mood he decided to reward himself by having his family all together.

When he said it like that, I immediately started crying. We’d been going strong for a few months, and I loved each and every one of them, but I sometimes still felt selfish for demanding attention from all three of them. The fact that he thought of us as a family settled a deep anxiety of mine, and I spent a good long while sobbing against his chest. Luka gave him shit for making me cry, but Bennett just sat down beside us and rubbed my back until I was calm enough to speak. Which led to me thanking Grayson in the most creative way I could think of. Of course, Bennett and Luka weren’t going to be left out, so it just led to another wild night of all four of us together. Grayson was no longer standoffish about the four of us, since he got his alone time with me whenever he needed it. I was beyond happy with the way our relationship worked.

Bennett noticed me watching them and wandered over, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. “Almost done?”

I nodded. “Yep. Just doing a final check. Did you and Luka finish his place?”

He bobbed his head. Today wasn’t just moving day for me. Bennett moved in with Grayson about a week ago, mostly to avoid running into Alan, who was out on bail. Luka and I were quick to follow, so we split off into groups to finish things up and they met us here to help me when they were through.

Grabbing my purse, I laced my fingers with Bennett’s and led him back down the hall. It was a little overwhelming to see my apartment empty, but I finally got to move in with my boyfriends, and I was excited to get going.

“The landlord said to just leave the keys on the counter. He already signed off on your paperwork,” Grayson commented as he picked up the last box. Luka sat on the island, his legs swinging as he munched on an apple he’d brought with him.
