Page 107 of Secretary Seduction

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“We should pick up food from that Chinese place on our way out. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t want to be slaving away in the kitchen after spending the entire day hauling boxes.”

Grayson rolled his eyes. “Slaving away in the kitchen? You cook maybe twice a month.”

Luka just shrugged, a slow grin spreading across his face. “It’s exhausting watching you two cook.” He ducked when Grayson tried to cuff him on the back of the head, slipping off the counter and wrapping himself around me.

“You’ll protect me, won’t you, beautiful?”

Bennett frowned. “Why’d you go to her and not me?”

Luka shot him a dry look. “Because she’s on my side. You’re more likely to side with Grayson than me. Even after all the shit I let you do last night.”

“And this morning.” Bennett smirked in response.

I giggled, shaking my head. “Okay, you two. Let’s get moving. We still have to bring all the boxes up to the penthouse.”

Dropping my keys onto the counter, I took one last look at my little apartment before letting the guys lead me out and shut the door behind me. It was a nice apartment, but it was always supposed to be temporary, and I wasn’t going to be sad about leaving. I wasn’t going to be coming home alone anymore. I had three handsome boyfriends waiting for me, and I couldn’t be happier if I tried.

* * *

Flopping onto my bed, I let out a sigh. It was a good thing that Luka convinced us to grab the Chinese food, because after bringing everything upstairs, I was exhausted. I stretched out on the massive bed that Grayson picked out, closing my eyes for a minute. I still had so much to do, like unpack and figure out where everything would go, but I couldn’t make myself move.

Warm kisses on my neck woke me up, and I blinked, shifting to see who’d joined me. Bennett smiled softly, plucking my lips in a chaste kiss.

“We set something up for you.”

Sliding my hands around his neck, I kissed him back, sighing happily. “Like what?”

“You’ll see.” He slid his arms around me, carrying me bridal style out of my room and into the living room, where the guys were waiting. There was a huge nest set up in the middle of the floor, everyone’s combined blankets and pillows making a big fluffy bed.

“What is this?” I giggled.

Luka shrugged, a mischievous grin on his face. “We couldn’t decide whose room to stay in tonight. This was the only solution we could agree on.”

He pulled me from Bennett’s arms, laying me down in the middle of the nest of blankets. He wasted no time laying on top of me, his hands fisting my hair as he ravaged my mouth. All the sleepiness disappeared in the face of his passion. I moaned, fisting his shirt to keep him close. When he shifted to the side, he pulled me with him, making room for Grayson to press himself against my back.

Hands moved over me, making me breathless. Before I could blink, my clothes were gone, and I was surrounded by warm, naked muscles. Luka still dominated my mouth, at least until he let out a harsh groan, his hips bucking forward. I couldn’t resist watching whenever he and Bennett started something, and I shifted back automatically to see. Bennett winked at me as he continued to tease Luka. When fingers quested lower, I knew what he was doing, and my breath caught in my chest when Luka’s mouth fell open and he squeezed me tighter against his front.

Long fingers drew down my spine, sliding between my cheeks. I let out a squeak, and I felt Grayson chuckle behind me. “We had an idea, sweetheart, but only if you’re okay with it. We want to see if Luka and I can take you at the same time. Do you want to try it?”

All the breath rushed out of me and my brain stalled out. I’d tried anal a few times with Luka and Grayson, and I didn’t hate it, but I always felt incredibly full. The idea of both of them inside me was both thrilling and a little intimidating.

“Are– Are you sure you’ll fit?”

He grinned against my neck, nipping lightly. “We’ll fit. Is that a yes?”

I could only nod, my eyelids fluttering shut as he grazed his fingers along my sex, dragging my arousal back against my back entrance. He took his time, lightly teasing me until I pushed against him for more. His fingers disappeared for a second before coming back slippery with lube. He pushed one inside me, keeping his pace even and slow to warm me up.

Luka’s groan made my eyes fly open. He was receiving the same treatment, and I realized it wasn’t just going to be me in the middle of a sex sandwich. The thought of all four of us together at once was so erotic, I felt like my whole body was on fire. Urgency filled my veins, and I pushed back against Grayson, whimpering as I watched Luka’s face twist in pleasure. Cupping his face, I drew him in for a kiss, shivering when his erection ground against me. I moaned when he grabbed my thigh, putting it around his hip as he pressed closer. When he pushed inside me, we both moaned and I fought to stay still. Everyone had gotten tested after we made our relationship official, so we no longer had to worry about condoms since I was on the pill.

“Ready for me, beautiful?”

I nodded quickly, sucking in a breath when Grayson’s heavy cock pressed between my cheeks. He took it slow, small pulses until my body relaxed and he popped past the ring of muscles. His groan vibrated up my back, his grip on my hip tight as he pressed open mouth kisses along my neck and shoulder.

“Fuck, you’re so tight.”

He was telling me. I felt deliciously full, and I whimpered as his rough statement. Luka’s breathing picked up, alerting me that he was getting his own special treatment right now. He let out a rough groan, leaning his forehead against my shoulder.

“Oh fuck… It’s too much…”

My body tightened at his words, making both him and Grayson groan. Slowly, they began to move, and my mouth fell open at the intense pleasure coursing through me. Luka let out a shout, his hips driving forward, and I nearly exploded right away.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck… I can’t– It’s– Oh fuck!”

Luka’s reactions only served to inflame me more, until I was just a bundle of nerves, each stroke of their bodies against mine sending me higher. I was standing precariously on the edge when Luka sucked in a sharp breath and his eyes flew open. He let out a helpless shout, his head flying back as he let go. It set off a domino effect, knocking me over the edge, followed by Bennett and Grayson.

Laying in a tangle of limbs, I fought to catch my breath. That was the most intense, amazing thing I’d ever experienced, and my brain was officially a pile of mush. What do you even say after something like that?

“Who wants Chinese food?” Luka mumbled.

I tried to hold back, but I burst out laughing, everyone joining me after shoving Luka’s shoulder. He pressed his forehead against mine, his eyes dancing. Grayson hugged me tighter, and Bennett laced his fingers with mine, pressing kisses against my wrist. It was sweet, and oh so perfect. Not once when I agreed to come in for an interview, did I ever expect to end up here. The path I had set out for myself was so vastly different, and it took all three of them to show me that what I’d hoped for was nothing compared to what I truly deserved. Pure, unaltered joy, every single day. And it could only get better from here.
