Page 13 of Secretary Seduction

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His brows drew together as he grabbed us some trays and got in line. “I’m not friends with anyone else from my childhood but him.”

“What about Mr Vincent?”

“Luka? No, he came later. He met Grayson in college and Grayson introduced me when he started working on the company. Luka decided we were going to be friends on his own and just integrated himself into our little group.”

I giggled. I could see that. So far since meeting Luka, he’d given me the impression that he wouldn’t stand for people not giving him the attention he wanted. He was outgoing to the max and Priya was right, he was an incorrigible flirt.

“I feel like my ears are burning.”

I twisted my mouth to hide my smile as Bennett rolled his eyes. “I swear, you gravitate towards any conversation that might have something to do with you.”

“Not true,” Luka smirked. “That’d get exhausting considering how often I’m the center of conversation around here.”

“Yeah, for flirting with the wrong person again,” Bennett scoffed.

Luka put on a scandalized look. “I do not! I only flirt with the right people.” He winked at me and I shook my head.

“You’re going to get yourself into trouble one day.”

“Nonsense. I’m a joy. Even Bennett thinks so, though he’d never admit it. He loves having me around. Don’t you?”

Bennett shot him a droll look before putting out his plate for the staff to fill. He could act annoyed all he wanted, but there was an undertone of affection there. Bennett obviously cared about his friends.

The staff seemed to know exactly what he wanted because they didn’t even ask, filling up his plate with two burgers with all the fixings and a massive salad. The combination was a little comical. When the staff member looked at me expectantly, I lifted a shoulder.

“Same as him, but just one burger, please.”

He glanced over his shoulder at me and flashed me another one of those elusive smiles. I beamed at him. I felt almost proud of myself every time I managed to make him smile. Given the looks of the people around us, he didn’t do it often, and I’d pulled it off three times in the past few hours.

“You know, I’m starting to think you are actually a fairy or something. No one has made Bennett smile since he came back from the military. You’re more of a charmer than I am,” Luka murmured, leaning close so that Bennett didn’t overhear.

I turned to reply, but just as I opened my mouth, someone called my name.


Chapter Seven


Things were going perfectly. Not only did Julie show up just like she promised, she was perfect for the job. She even proved it by taking control when Grayson was dealing with too much to handle it all. Watching her work had been fascinating. She acted like she’d been here for years. No matter who called or how demanding and rude they were, she answered them with grace and poise and managed to get them to calm down and set up a better time to call when Grayson wasn’t so overwhelmed. Not only that, the minute the phone stopped ringing she went after the paperwork in his office, organizing it and putting it into files so that when he needed them, it would be easy to find. Luka sent me to sit with her to help her when she needed it, but she never did. She excelled.

I held my breath when she finally was introduced to Grayson. He was a stickler and wouldn’t accept her just because we said she was great. But since she did all that work while he was busy, he hired her on the spot. And while I felt guilty that her getting fired from her old job was so upsetting for her, I couldn’t help but feel happy about the outcome. She was staying, and that meant Grayson was going to get the help he needed. Not only that, but I’d get to spend more time with her. It was a win-win.


I stiffened at the familiar tone in the man’s voice. I’d forgotten she said her boyfriend worked here. Fighting back a grimace, I turned around, watching her face light up as she spun around to face him.


Setting her tray down, she hurried over and threw her arms around him. It was uncomfortable to watch, but when I tried to look away, Luka locked eyes with me and shot me a questioning look. I flushed, dropping my gaze to my food.

“What are you doing here, babe? I told you I’d text you when we could hang out.”

Glancing back at the couple, I watched her lean back without releasing him so she could beam up at him.

“I got a new job. I work here now.”

He blanched, and my eyes narrowed. If she’d been my girlfriend, I would’ve been excited to hear she was working here so I could see her all the time. This guy looked like he was going to shit himself.
