Page 14 of Secretary Seduction

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“S-Since when?” he croaked.

“Since today. Well, technically I start on Monday, but I had my interview today, and they said I got the job.” She shrugged and smiled brightly again. “Isn’t that great? It’s so much closer to my apartment and we’ll be able to see each other all the time.”

He looked uneasy, his smile more like a grimace as he nodded at her. “Uh, sure, babe. That’s great. What… What floor are you working on?”

She bounced on her toes, bubbly and excited as she spoke. “Top floor. I’m going to be Mr Andrews’s new secretary.”

She chattered on about how they could eat lunch together and carpool since he had to pass her apartment to get here in the mornings. I kept waiting for him to lighten up and look happy, but he barely smiled as he nodded along.

“Is it just me, or is Julie’s beau none too pleased about her getting a job here?”

I didn’t look away as I replied to Luka. “Looks like it. I don't get it. Why wouldn’t he want her here?”

He shook his head. “No idea. She seems great. Even Grayson liked her. I thought he’d be harder to convince.”

I bobbed my head in agreement. Something about the way Alan was reacting wasn’t right. Not when it came to someone as perfect as Julie.

“When were you going to tell me she had a boyfriend?”

I scoffed, grabbing my tray and Julie’s so we could keep moving down the line. “Never. It wasn’t relevant. Are you going to stop flirting with her now?”

He shot me a sly look. “Only if she wants me to. She hasn’t said anything yet. I think she likes me.”

Something green and ugly settled in my gut and I scowled at him. “She’s taken and an employee. Leave her alone.”

His smile was smug as he walked away, loping over to the couple. “Care to introduce us, sweetheart?”

I rolled my eyes, grabbing Julie one of the slices of cake for dessert. She got the same thing as me for her meal. I liked to eat healthy, but I liked sweets too. The desserts here were good. I figured she’d like it. It wasn’t like she had to watch her figure. She was gorgeous, just as she was.

When I stepped up to the little group with our trays, Julie spun around and smiled at me. I knew she was taken, but no matter how many times I reminded myself of that, my heart always skipped a beat when she smiled. I handed her the tray, hoping she didn’t notice the flush in my cheeks.

“I got you some cake.”

Her smile grew, but before she could say anything, I saw Alan frown. “Oh, really?”

Her smile faltered, and she glanced at him. “Is it not good?”

He lifted a shoulder. “I’m sure it’s fine, but didn’t you say you were on a diet?”

Her face turned dark red, and her chin dropped to her chest. Outrage gathered swiftly in my chest, and I shot Luka a look. I didn’t want to start shouting at this guy. I already had trouble controlling my emotions.

He took over, grabbing Julie’s tray and tipping his head toward the tables. “Nonsense. Perfection doesn’t need a diet. Come on, the best seats in the house are near the windows.”

She glanced at Alan before following quietly behind Luka. Alan looked me over before turning to follow behind Julie. He didn’t join us at the table Luka chose, though. He stood at the end, frowning suspiciously at us. When Luka smirked at him, he narrowed his eyes.

“Hey, babe. You coming over tonight?”

Her face lit up, and she jerked to face him. “Really? I thought you said you were busy.”

His easy going grin felt fake to me and he let his gaze trail down her figure as he spoke. “I missed you last night.”

She blushed again and bit her lip, nodding quickly. “Okay, I can come over after I’m done here. I’ve got some paperwork to–”

“Whatever, that’s fine. Will you make me that casserole you’re so good at?”

The asshole didn’t even let her finish speaking before asking her for shit. And she never questioned it for a second, nodding eagerly and teasing him about not being able to feed himself. My shoulders went up as I clung to what little self-control I had.

A foot nudged mine, and when I looked up, Luka shot me a concerned look. I shook my head. I didn’t want to talk about it. It didn’t matter anyway. She was taken, and I wasn’t going to make her feel awkward. Her helping Grayson was more important than how I felt.
