Page 15 of Secretary Seduction

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“Alright, babe. I gotta get back to work. I’ll see you tonight.” He purred the last sentence, trying to sound suggestive before shooting me and Luka a smug look and spinning around, heading towards the exit.

I saw Luka open his mouth to say something, and I kicked him hard under the table. He yelped and rubbed his shin with a grimace, glowering at me. Julie looked between us with a frown.

“Is everything okay?”

“We’re good. You should eat before your food gets cold.”

* * *

After finishing her lunch, I stuck around while Julie filled out her paperwork. Luka had to get back to work eventually and the building could get confusing for first timers. I brought her to HR and while she met with the staff and introduced herself, I stood in the hall to wait. HR had its purpose, but they’d been a huge pain in the neck about the whole secretary thing, so I didn’t want to leave and let them chase Julie off. Grayson needed her.

“Okay, thanks. I’ll see you on Monday.”

Julie stepped out of the HR office, waving over her shoulder. She turned to me and smiled.

“You’re like my knight in shining armor, aren’t you?”

I felt my cheeks burn as I pushed off the wall and followed her towards the elevators. “I don’t know what you mean.”

She lifted her shoulders playfully. “You helped me the other day when I dropped my paperwork, you got me my dream job, and now you’re helping me find my way around the building. I’m going to need a new way to show I appreciate you because I’ve said thank you like a million times since we met.”

I fought off a grin, shaking my head. “You don’t owe me anything. You’re doing me a favor helping my friend.”

Her smile softened a little. I didn't like that kind of attention, especially when I was helping her for purely selfish reasons. I wanted her to help Grayson, and she was fun to hang out with. I wasn’t as selfless as she was making me seem.

We stopped on the ground floor and I found myself hovering as she made a pit stop by the front desk to tell Priya how her interview went and to say goodbye. I walked her outside, turning towards the parking lot before she stopped me.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you on Monday.”

I frowned, pointing at the parking lot. “Didn’t you park in the lot?”

“No. My other job doesn’t have parking, and it was too difficult to find parking on the street, so I always take the train. I took the train here this morning.” She gestured down the block towards where the station was. I made a face and without thinking, I grabbed her hand, dragging her towards the parking lot.

“I’ll give you a ride.”

She giggled, the sound almost making me trip over my own feet. “I’m fine, Bennett, I swear. There’s nothing wrong with taking the train.”

I wanted to ignore her, but I didn’t want to smother her and make her leave. I let go of her hand reluctantly, turning to face her again.

“I really don’t mind.”

She smiled softly, putting her hand on my arm. “See? Knight in shining armor. Whatever person ends up with you will be one lucky duck. I’ll see you on Monday. Have a nice weekend.”

I watched her walk down the street, my chest uncomfortably tight. It was just my luck that the person who I wanted to end up with was already in a relationship. The more time I spent with Julie, the more I wanted her. I wasn’t going to tell anyone that, though. Not when she was going to do so much good for my friend. Because when push came to shove, Grayson and Luka were all I had. I’d put my feelings aside for them.

Chapter Eight


When I said Luka and Bennett could help find me a secretary, I didn’t have high hopes that they’d be successful. I relented because they wanted to help, and I didn’t have the energy to argue with them. How they managed to find someone so perfect for the job was beyond me. She swept in without an ounce of hesitation, organizing the chaos that had become my office and scheduling phone calls like meetings throughout the week. I wasn’t above begging when I asked her to start right away. I hadn’t been able to think straight in weeks and when I ended that phone call and found everything perfect and the phones silent, I thought I’d passed out and was dreaming.

Luka strolled into my office after lunch, a few files tucked under his arm and a grin on his face. Since the pain meds had kicked in and the office was still quiet, I felt myself smile.

“Come in here to gloat?”

He chuckled. “Maybe just a little. You’ll be happy to know she’s starting on Monday.”

The relief was dizzying, and I leaned back in my chair, scrubbing my face roughly. “Thank god for that.”
