Page 18 of Secretary Seduction

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She looked serious as she made a note in her notebook. “Have you seen a doctor about it?”

Sighing, I scowled at Luka. “No. I don’t need to. They’re just going to tell me to stop working so hard and I don’t have time. I’m fine. Now, I believe you said I had a phone call scheduled for about now?”

She looked at the small watch on her wrist with a frown. “We’ve got about five minutes. How are you feeling now?”

“I’m fine,” I growled.

“He’s lying. He made Bennett drive him into work today because his head hurt too much.”

I shot him a dirty look. “Would you stop?”

He glared back. “Not a chance. Not until you start taking care of yourself.”

Julie made a tsking sound before pushing to her feet. “Arguing with him isn’t going to help his headache. Unless you have something important to discuss, I’ll see you out, Mr Vincent. And Mr Andrews, I’ll bring you some medicine with a small snack before your day starts. If you can think of anything else that you’d like me to accomplish for you, please let me know.”

She ushered Luka from the room, ignoring his protests, and closed the door quietly behind her. Rubbing my temples, I let out a sigh. I was a little worried she’d be too much like Luka and get demanding when she felt I was overdoing it. I needed a secretary, not a nurse. But I was so desperate for her help, I couldn’t bring myself to protest when she brought in the medication. She didn’t stick around to make sure I took it and she didn’t pester me about it later.

I had to trust that my friends knew what they were doing when they picked her out for me. I had no other choice.

Chapter Nine


Working for Mr Andrews was a lot more fulfilling than my old job, and I quickly fell into a routine that I loved. I arrived to work early, either beating him here by a few minutes or coming in at the same time, then set to work to make his life easier. It took him a while to ask for help, his past secretaries apparently couldn’t be trusted to do much of anything, but eventually he began to make requests and grew more comfortable around me. He still fought me on taking breaks, he was too focused on work to slow down for even a minute, but when I started scheduling them like meetings and had Luka and Bennett come join him to force him to relax, he begrudgingly relented.

Today marked one month working for Mr Andrews and I didn’t think life could get any more perfect. Alan and I met for lunch at least a few times a week. Not every day since he said meeting clients during meals made them more responsive to project deals. I didn’t mind since I was making friends here and they joined me when they were free. Priya and I were becoming fast friends, and even though they vastly outranked me, Luka and Bennett seemed to come around a lot just to chat and spend time with me. Even Mr Andrews had me sit with him during lunch when he found me eating alone at my desk, since everyone else was too busy to eat with me.

The phone on my desk buzzed, and I pressed the response button immediately. “Yes, Mr Andrews?”

“Do you know if the paperwork for the Peterson project has come in?”

I looked through the files on my desk with a frown. “Not yet. Would you like me to call about them?”

He hesitated before agreeing. “That’d be great. Thank you. The meeting isn’t until the end of the week, but I’d like to look over them again one more time.”

“Consider it done, Mr Andrews. I’ll let you know once they arrive.”

“Thank you, Julie.”

After he hung up, I got straight to work on finding the documents he needed, starting by calling down to Priya.

“Good Morning, LifeTech Corporations, this is Priya speaking. How may I help you?”

“Good morning, Priya!”

“Julie! How’s it going, girlie?”

I snickered. She was the most professional person in the building unless it came to her friends.

“It’s going fine. I’m looking for some documents for Mr Andrews. Has the courier come in yet today?”

She paused, probably looking through her log book. “No, not yet. He’s new and has been running a little on the late side the past few days. I can call you when he shows up, though. What documents are you waiting for?”

“The Peterson account.”

“I’ll make a note of it. Hey, are you busy tonight?”

Pursing my lips, I thought about it. “I don’t think so. Alan said he had a big account that he was working for that he wanted to stay home and prep for so I think I was planning on cleaning up my apartment and watching tv. Why?”
