Page 19 of Secretary Seduction

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“Because it’s your one-month anniversary at the company! We need to celebrate. Drinks for happy hour?”

I giggled. “Sounds good. Call me when the courier gets here, okay?”

When we hung up, I made a note to check with her again before lunch. While we had a few days to get the files in, I didn’t want to dilly dally if Mr Andrews was asking about them. He had a tendency to fixate and it wouldn’t do his health any good.

I’d taken to monitoring him after Luka’s warning about him getting headaches. He was right, and Mr Andrews had a tendency to overwork himself to the point of pain. He’d gotten a little better since I started scheduling his breaks, but I still had to be diligent and one way to prevent his headaches was to make sure he didn’t fixate.

The phone on my desk buzzed again.

“Yes, Mr Andrews?”

“Can you come see me for a moment?”

I pushed to my feet, grabbing my notebook from my desk before heading into his office. His desk was clear aside from what he was currently working on and his face had color to it. Good, he hadn’t reached overdoing it yet.

“How can I help, Mr Andrews?”

He frowned at the paperwork before glancing up at me. “I feel like an ass, but I’m going to need you to take a late lunch today. I forgot I had that meeting across town.”

“With the company that makes heart monitors?”

“Yes. Vanderbilt isn’t an easy man to work with and if things don’t go exactly as he wants them, he causes a lot of issues. I thought it’d be beneficial to have you there taking notes so we could hopefully get the product right the first time.”

I’d heard grumbles from the staff when they found out we were doing another project with Mr Vanderbilt, but I never met the man myself. He had a tendency to nitpick, and I heard the last project he requested dragged on two extra months because of his demands. If he didn’t bring in such a large amount of money, I’d question why people wanted to work with him at all.

“I can do that. I don’t mind.”

“Thank you. We’ll leave in an hour. Can you tell Priya to take note of any calls? I really hate pulling you away from your desk, but this meeting is important.”

To Grayson Andrews, every meeting was important. I tried not to laugh at his attempt at a distinction. In the month that I’d worked for him, he’d had more meetings than I could count and every single one of them he approached with a single-minded focus. I was pretty sure that if he had the ability, he would do every aspect of the company on his own, from production to delivery.

“I understand, Mr Andrews. I’ll let Priya know. She’ll be calling soon anyway. The courier apparently is running a little behind, and she’s keeping an eye out for the Peterson file for us.”

He took in a deep breath and his shoulders came down by increments. “You are the world’s best secretary. I hope you know that. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone who was so quick to get me what I needed. Thank you, Julie.”

I felt my face flush. In a desperate bid to escape before he noticed, I bobbed my head and spun around, heading out to call back down to Priya.

Mr Andrews never withheld his praise, and it always made me blush. It was hard not to when such a handsome and powerful man was acting like you were some kind of miracle worker. I was eternally grateful I was in a relationship before I started this job or I’d have a serious crush on my boss. Who could blame me, though, with a man who looked like that?

Grayson Andrews was every woman’s fantasy come true. His dark hair was cut and styled to perfection, black and silky looking, with a few stray strands constantly falling onto his forehead despite how often he ran his fingers through it. His deep brown eyes were sharp and focused. He had a long nose and the kind of lips that a woman would want to sink her teeth into. His olive toned skin was tanned and flawless. The man didn’t have a single pore. And he had muscles for days. I knew that for a fact because I had to bring him a new suit once when he got soaked in the rain coming back from a meeting. I walked into his office to find him shirtless and nearly swallowed my tongue. Lucky for me, he wasn’t angry about the intrusion and just chuckled before taking his suit and ushering me back out.

I thought Bennett’s smiles were rare, but Mr Andrews only ever seemed to smirk, and only when his friends were around. The first time I saw him smirk at me, I had to remind myself that I was in a committed relationship because I wanted to swoon. Though Alan did enjoy the fact that I threw myself at him that day once he got home.

For a little while, I felt like me working here was upsetting Alan. He seemed tense and annoyed with me for the first week or so, but he settled and eventually he told me he had been worried that we wouldn’t do well spending that much time together without getting annoyed. I would’ve been upset, but he followed up by saying how much he enjoyed being able to have lunch with me more often and knowing I wasn’t far made him relax. We’d been solid ever since.

Thinking of Alan reminded me that today we were supposed to have lunch together. I texted him, asking him if he didn’t mind meeting me a little later for lunch. He texted back pretty quickly saying my timing was perfect since he was about to have to cancel because of a meeting and that he would see me after.

A tsking sound drew my attention. Luka stood nearby, shaking his head with a mock frown. “Texting on the job? You could be reprimanded for that.”

If it was anyone else, the thought would have scared me, but it was Luka, and I knew he was only teasing. He was on his phone more than anyone else, and it wasn’t always for work. I twisted my mouth to hide my smile.

“Good morning, Luka. How are you?”

He’d insisted that I use his first name. It took a little while for me to agree, but it turned out that he did that with everyone. He was the CFO, but he wasn’t obnoxious about it. He preferred to connect with people on a personal level and left titles at the door unless he was in an important meeting.

He sighed, coming to perch on the edge of my desk. “I’m having an issue that I think only you can solve for me.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you have your own secretary?”
