Page 31 of Secretary Seduction

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“I’m afraid so. There was a last-minute schedule change and–”

“It’s fine. You don’t have to make excuses. I didn’t have high hopes that he’d make the time to speak with me. You’re new, yes?”

My brow furrowed. “Um, yes. Mr Andrews hired me about a month ago.”

She sighed softly. “I’m not surprised. He goes through secretaries like candy. I hope he is treating you well. He has a temper, as I’m sure you know.”

No, not really. Other than the day I interviewed when he was overwhelmed, Mr Andrews was always cool and collected. It was admirable, really.

“I don’t suppose you’d be able to reschedule the phone call? If you put it under a different name, maybe he’ll answer for once. I know if I just got him on the phone, he’d talk to me.”

The guilt was overwhelming. She was practically begging, and I wanted to give in, but I didn’t feel comfortable lying to Mr Andrews. Not after everything he’d done for me.

“I’m sorry Miss Laurent, but–”

She let out what sounded like a sob and my chest tightened considerably. I wasn’t willing to lie, but maybe there was another option.

“Are you… one of the potential investors?”

“What?” she sniffled.

“Well, there’s a gala coming up and a lot of potential investors are going to be there. I’m in charge of the invites and I’m sure I can find an extra one. I can’t guarantee he’d talk to you, but it’ll put you in the same room, if you think that’ll help.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. “You’d do that?”

I bit my lip. “I mean, if your intention is to invest with him, that would be the place to do it. He’s very busy, so I know he can’t make time for every phone call, but that night is specifically to meet investors.”

The joy in her voice was instant, and I felt myself smiling. “Oh, merci! I would love to come to the gala! When is it? Is it soon? I’ll need to go shopping for something to wear! Oh, what’s your size? I’ll bring you something from Paris as a thank you.”

I giggled. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll just need your address to send the invitation. It's at the end of June. Do you think you’ll be able to attend?”

“Absolutely! I’ll rearrange my schedule. Oh thank you, you lovely girl. I’m so excited,” she gushed.

My phone buzzed on my desk, and I swung my gaze to Mr Andrews’s office. “I’m sorry, Miss Laurent. I need to get back to work. If I could just get your address for the invitation?”

She rattled it off, thanking me profusely. Once we finally hung up, I was smiling to myself. I knew how hard it was to get a meeting with Mr Andrews over a potential contract, I was the one who made his schedule, so it felt good helping someone get the chance to pitch him. I hoped she had something amazing to suggest that would take his breath away.

The rest of the morning was busy, and I fell back into my routine. I was glad I forced myself to come into work. Keeping busy was much better than sitting around moping all day, and by the time lunch rolled around, I felt a little better.

* * *

I avoided the cafeteria for a few weeks. I mostly ate at my desk, or in the breakroom with Bennett or Luka. Before my embarrassingly public break up, I’d go downstairs to get Mr Andrews his lunch, but Bennett kept showing up with packed lunches for himself and Mr Andrews, so I didn’t need to wander off. I sometimes wondered if he was doing it on purpose to spare me from having to go downstairs, but I didn’t bring it up. Either way it worked for me and I wasn’t in any rush to face the crowds.

Over a month went by without seeing Alan or much of anyone outside of my friends. I worked upstairs, went with Mr Andrews to meetings, and the person in legal who handled the contracts worked only a few desks away from mine. I felt a little like I was hiding, but no one seemed to judge me for it. And the whispers stopped, on this floor at least.

My luck finally ran out eventually one Friday when I realized that I needed to go to the cafeteria to pick up Mr Andrews’s lunch. Bennett was in a meeting and Mr Andrews had back to back phone calls that afternoon.

I purposely packed lunch every day so I wouldn’t have to go down there, but I didn’t want him skipping his lunch because I was too embarrassed to go grab him a meal. I considered offering him some of my lunch, I brought plenty, but I could see him rubbing his temples through the window to his office. If he was in pain, he’d need something healthier to eat than leftover spaghetti and meatballs. Besides, I already told Bennett I’d share with him this morning and he ate a lot. Resigned, I pushed to my feet and headed for the elevator. I could do this. I wasn’t sticking around. I just needed to grab the meal and come straight back up. Five minutes or less.

When the elevator opened on the ground floor, I was almost sweating with nerves. I stepped out hesitantly and looked around, letting out a small breath when I noticed people weren’t looking in my direction. It wasn’t the rush yet. I still had some time, so hopefully I wouldn’t run into Alan.


I stiffened, but when I glanced over my shoulder, the tension disappeared in an instant. It wasn’t Alan, it was Luka, which was significantly better. I offered him a small smile, edging closer to him. It felt safer to be near him than on my own. I didn’t know how I was going to react when I eventually ran into Alan again.

“Hey, Luka. How are you?”

He jogged up to me, flashing me a bright smile. “Better now that you’re here. Are you picking up some documents or something?”
