Page 32 of Secretary Seduction

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Fighting hard not to grimace, I shook my head. “No, it’s lunch time. I’m just going to pick up Mr Andrews’s lunch before going back upstairs. I brought some leftovers, so I think I’m going to eat at my desk today.”

His brow furrowed. “Grayson asked you to go to the cafeteria for him?”

He didn’t sound happy about it. Apparently, he noticed me avoiding the cafeteria and seemed to be on the same page as me on the idea. It made me feel a little better, like I wasn’t going to be judged for being dramatic or something. But since he and Mr Andrews were still terse with each other, I was quick to set him straight.

“He didn’t ask. It’s just what I would normally do. I need to get back into my routine eventually so…”

He studied me, a frown marring his pretty face, but he didn’t argue. “Alright. I’ll go with you. I’m feeling a little peckish myself.”

I did my best to hide the relief on my face. It felt easier when I wasn’t going alone. I’d have to eventually, but I honestly felt a little terrified about running into Alan again and I still heard murmurs about my break up every once in a while. I wasn’t going to turn down Luka’s offer to accompany me. Luka was a social butterfly. Hopefully, all the attention will be on him and not me.

“So, what leftovers did you bring?”

He followed beside me, a relaxed smile on his face. Like Bennett, he didn’t bring up last night, and I felt the tension leave my shoulders.

“Spaghetti. I made it last night.”

“You didn’t bring enough to share, did you?”

I pursed my lips against a grin. “I did, but you’re going to have to fight Bennett for it. He already asked.”

“I believe we already agreed on sharing,” he purred.

My face went bright red and when I jerked to look up at him, he winked at me. Neither Bennett or Luka brought up the sharing thing again in the past few weeks. I figured it was just something they said to make me feel better and I let it go after a while. Luka was teasing and playful and he still didn’t ask for more, so I just rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder.

“Shut up.”

He snickered, putting his hands into his pockets. His easy going attitude settled me and I almost forgot why I was so nervous about being down here until we stepped into the cafeteria and what felt like hundreds of eyes locked on me and the room got quiet. I hesitated, swallowing hard.


“Come on, sweetheart. In and out. It won’t take more than a minute.”

Luka’s steady hand resting on my back propelled me forward. I was grateful because I couldn’t force my eyes off the ground. It was like Alan killed every ounce of self-confidence I had. Even weeks later, my shoulders went up when I walked through the building and I wanted to hide.

Mr Andrews’s lunches were always the same, and I moved on autopilot, putting together a nice grilled chicken salad with as many colorful vegetables as I could get my hands on. He had a sweet tooth that he told almost no one about, so I grabbed a slice of cake for the side as well as a soda since he preferred a caffeine boost before his afternoon meetings. I scanned my company ID as we exited and was starting to breathe easier when I heard someone snicker. My eyes flicked up before I could think it through, and I froze.

Alan was sitting at a table in the middle, his arm tossed casually around a pretty young woman with honey blonde hair and a tight dress. She covered it with a blazer, but it didn’t hide her perfect figure. Their entire table was staring at me and Alan smirked when someone leaned to whisper something to him. It wasn’t a longshot to assume they were talking about me given the way he dragged his gaze down my body and back up before sneering.

I felt like I couldn’t move, no matter how much I begged and pleaded with my feet to walk out of the room. Tears burned my eyes, and I had to clutch the tray with Mr Andrews’s meal tightly because my hands trembled and I was worried I’d drop it.

“Sorry about the delay, sweetheart. If we’re gonna be sharing with Bennett, I thought it was a good idea to have a little extra on the side. He–” Luka stopped next to me, blocking my view of Alan. When I lifted my gaze to his, he frowned. “What’s wrong?”


It was barely a whisper, but I needed his help. I couldn’t move.

He shot me a concerned look before glancing over his shoulder. His body stiffened, and I saw his free hand clench tightly at his side. I swayed on my feet, my heart pounding so hard I felt lightheaded. I squeezed my eyes shut to fight back the tears, so I didn’t see Luka move until he pulled me against his side. He leaned down, kissing the top of my head before speaking low.

“Come on, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”

Chapter Sixteen


He led me out of the cafeteria, unwavering confidence and determination guiding his steps. Meanwhile, I was a shaking mess by the time we stepped back into the hallway. It was embarrassing. I shouldn’t be so upset this many weeks after the fact. Luka didn’t say a word, urging me towards the bank of elevators. When one finally opened and the passengers all spilled out, he steered me inside, blocking other people from joining us.

“Take the next one,” he demanded.
