Page 35 of Secretary Seduction

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A flash of pride crossed Mr Andrews’s face and lit me up just a little bit more. He said he wasn’t going to be part of whatever this was, but I still sought his approval on whatever was happening right now.

“How about after work, then?” Bennett murmured.

When I looked up at him, he trailed a knuckle down my cheek and neck, making me shiver. He looked so hopeful and, for once, I wanted to let go a little. So I gave in. When I dipped my chin, his eyes lit up, and I heard Luka let out a sharp breath.

“Fuck, this is going to be the longest work day of my life.”

You’re telling me.

Chapter Seventeen


I never thought she’d agree. I figured I’d need to spend more time warming her up to the idea. I wasn’t going to force her, but I wasn’t just going to drop it, either. After leaving her apartment alone and having some time to think, I begrudgingly admitted that Grayson had a point and I shouldn’t have pushed it while she was still getting over her ex. I figured I’d revisit the conversation later when she was feeling more like herself again.

But after her run-in with her ex, watching all the blood drain from her face as she stared helplessly at him with his arm around a new woman, it took everything in my power to not claim her lips in front of him and throw it in his face that he lost someone perfect. When she started talking down about herself, I was outraged that her asshole of an ex had that kind of power over her and I threw out the first thing I could think of to prove her wrong.

Now that I knew she was on board, though, I found myself floundering a little. I wanted to take her and leave right away, but she wanted to finish out her work day and I had a complete inability to do anything that might make her unhappy, even if the goal was to shower her with pleasure the minute we got to my place.

My leg jiggled restlessly under my desk. Grayson had to practically force me to leave his office. I didn’t want to walk away from her. Not when I wanted this so badly I couldn’t breathe right.

I stared blankly at the papers on my desk. I read the words a thousand times without really taking any of it in. Time was moving achingly slowly and my mind kept wandering to Julie and what Bennett and I could do to make her more comfortable.

My phone rang, and I picked it up without looking. “Vincent.”

“Do you know how this works?”

I huffed out a laugh. Figures Bennett would be just as distracted as I was with the logistics. “With two dudes? Not a clue.”

He sighed. “I was kinda hoping you had some experience. I’ve never… shared a woman before.”

Running my fingers through my hair, I shut my eyes for a second. I knew why he thought that. I had vast experience in the bedroom and while this wouldn’t be my first experience with group sex, it would be the first time I shared a woman with another man. Usually, it was me and a few ladies who were looking to do something new.

“In my experience, it’s better not to over-plan. Follow your instincts. We both have the same goal, to give her as much pleasure as possible. I’m sure we can figure things out without too much fumbling around. Listen, if you’re not comfortable with this–”

“I wouldn’t say that,” he grumbled.

A smile tugged at my lips. “What would you say, then?”

I could almost imagine him rubbing the back of his neck, a sheepish look on his face. Sometimes it was like pulling teeth to get Bennett to tell us what he was thinking, but I could read him pretty well.

“I’d say waiting the whole afternoon is taking too long.”

I snorted. “You and me both.”

He paused. “We’re going to your place, right?”

“That’s what I was thinking. Why?”

He made an irritated sound. “Her ex lives in my building. I don’t wanna chance her running into him. Maybe I should move.”

That made me pause. “Hold on. He lives in your building? Any idea which unit?”

“... Why?”

A slow smirk passed over my face. “Just thinking about ways we can pay this asshole back.”

I figured he’d tell me off. Bennett was a big rule follower after his time in the military, and he didn’t like to piss Grayson off. It stunned the hell out of me when he growled out his response.
