Page 34 of Secretary Seduction

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“Don’t lie, Luka. She was really pretty. It’s obvious why Alan wants her over me.”

I saw the fire in his eyes and he reached for me, but before he could grab me, an arm went around my waist and moved me effortlessly to the other side of the couch. Mr Andrews now sat between me and Luka, glowering at him.

“Knock it off. We’re at work. You can’t just kiss her every time she gets upset.”

My face burned, and I ducked my chin. I didn’t think we’d be revisiting this conversation again outside of teasing. Everyone had avoided it for weeks. I thought maybe they changed their minds.

“Shut up. You didn’t want to be part of it anyway, you don't get a say. Julie does.”

Mr Andrews rolled his eyes. I didn’t want to upset him and I wasn’t really sure what the rule was about relationships in the office. I was already in a relationship with Alan before I started, so I never thought to question it. If Luka kept pushing his luck at the office, he could get in trouble.

“Luka, please. Mr Andrews is right. We’re at work and I’m just a secretary. I don’t want you to get into trouble being seen with someone like me.”

That came out wrong, and all three of them turned to glare at me. I winced.

“Okay, we’re going to skip past that because it holds no truth to it. And just for your information, Julie, I’ve got nothing against workplace relationships as long as they’re reported to HR. My focus was more on the fact that it was inappropriate for him to attack you in the office when you haven’t agreed to be in a relationship. No one should be pressuring you for that.” Mr Andrews emphasized that with a growl, glaring at Luka, who scowled back in response.

“I didn’t fucking attack her.”

“You had every intention and I’m not going to let you–”

Bennett sighed heavily. “If you two don’t stow it, I’m gonna knock your heads together.”

It was low and quiet, but the threat was well received, if their silence was any indication. Luka and Mr Andrews both looked at Bennett in shock.

When Mr Andrews moved me to his other side, he also moved me away from Bennett, so Bennett stood and moved to sit on the arm of the couch next to me. He ran his fingers gently through my hair and gave me a small smile.

“Tell us what you need from us.”

I leaned into his hand, a frown pulling at my lips. “I don’t know… I–” I swallowed hard. “I don’t want anyone to spend time with me because they pity me. I’ll get over it eventually. You don’t have to rescue me all the time, though I did appreciate the help before.”

Luka made an incredulous sound, but Mr Andrews elbowed him in the side and he stayed silent. Bennett’s fingers grasped my chin, turning me to look up at him.

“We really need to work on your self esteem. We don’t want to be with you because we feel bad for you. We… I want to be with you because I think you’re perfect.”

A flush overtook my cheeks, and I shook my head slowly. “I’m not. I weigh too much and I’m boring and–”

“Let us show you.”

I glanced back at Luka. His eyes burned with determination and his gaze was locked on me. I tipped my head.

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t think we’re being honest about how much we want you. Let us show you.”

I opened my mouth to reply, confused, but he lifted his eyebrows and it finally clicked in my head what he was referring to. My blush spread to my ears and down my neck.

“You want to–”

“I’ve wanted to every day since we met, sweetheart. Let me show you.”

Bennett made a disgruntled sound. “Us. Let us show you.”

My jaw hit the ground. “T-Together?”

They both nodded. My heart began to pound, and I kept waiting for the mental block to come up, telling me this was a bad idea, but all I could think about was how safe and warm I felt in their arms. And how much I wanted to feel wanted. Even for just a night. They didn’t look like they pitied me. The desire in their gazes felt hot on my skin and an ache settled between my legs. Was I really going to do this?

“I-I have to work…”
