Page 40 of Secretary Seduction

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“What’s so funny?” Bennett queried, back to kissing my neck.

I shook my head, sucking in a sharp breath when Luka dipped his head to suck my breast.

“Maybe we should go again. See if we can loosen her tongue a little and stop keeping secrets from us.”

Luka’s suggestion made my belly tighten despite the multiple orgasms I just had.

“Sounds good to me. This time I get to taste her,” Bennett agreed.

My mouth fell open, but they didn’t give me a chance to protest. Not that I really wanted to.

* * *

I never expected to spend the night, but they had been relentless and I must’ve passed out at one point because I woke up in a tangle of limbs. My back was pressed against Bennett’s chest, his face buried in my hair, while Luka was using my shoulder as a pillow, his face against my neck. Bennett’s arm was around my waist, and Luka’s legs were twisted in mine. I thought maybe they’d have issues if they accidentally touched each other, but neither of them seemed to care as long as they were touching me.

Closing my eyes, I ran through my emotions after last night. There were a couple times when one of Alan’s nasty comments tried to infiltrate my brain and ruin the experience, but it was almost like Bennett and Luka could hear my thoughts and they pulled me out of the spiral before I could truly sink into it each time.

I felt… happy. I knew it wouldn’t last, they never said this was a permanent thing, but while we were here in our little bubble, there was no shame or regret. Just warmth and caring and happiness.

“You awake, sweetheart?”

Peeking my eyes open, I pressed my lips tightly together to fight off a smile. Luka’s hair was a mess. Probably from a combination of sleeping and me being unable to keep my hands out of it. It was soft, and I liked that he let me guide him a little when I needed it. He smirked at me, tugging a lock of my hair.

“We made a mess of you.”

When I reached up to touch my hair, he caught my wrist, shaking his head. “Don’t. You’ll wake him. I think this is the first time in a while that he’s slept through the night.”

My brow furrowed. “What? Why?”

Luka grimaced. “It's… not my story to tell, sweetheart. Honestly, I don't even think he’s told me the half of it. He keeps it close to the vest. Greyson knows more than I do. Just let him get as much sleep as possible, yeah? I’ll make breakfast.”

He kissed me quickly, pulling the blankets up to my chin and winking at me before slipping out of bed and heading for the bathroom. I found myself glued to his sculpted behind as he walked away and I blushed when he turned to close the door and caught me staring. He grinned wickedly, keeping his gaze locked on mine until the door swung fully shut.

Once he was gone, I let out a heavy sigh. I wasn’t going to survive these two. I’d self combust from blushing alone, not to mention the multiple orgasms. I felt a little sore this morning after such a crazy night, but it wasn’t too bad and it was more like a reminder of what we did, making me feel hot all over again.

Luka slipped out of the room after cleaning up, leaving me and Bennett to cuddle. It was nice, but I wasn’t tired anymore, so I didn’t get any more sleep. Instead, I turned carefully in Bennett’s arms, studying his face as he slept. I got really lucky when I met him. I couldn’t imagine just how awful things would’ve been if he hadn’t swept into my life and changed things for the better. Without him, I wouldn’t have met Luka or Mr Andrews. I would’ve been all alone when Alan dumped me, working a job I hated, crying about it by myself. While they weren’t there for overly long, showing up at my apartment the way they did made me feel a little better. Knowing there were people who cared about my well being helped a lot in getting me functioning again.

Cuddling closer, I rested my forehead against his chest. I hadn’t meant to wake him, but his arm tightened around me and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

“Morning, beautiful.”

Lifting my head, I took in his sleepy smile, my heart skipping a beat. “Did I wake you?”

He shook his head. “Nah. Nice way to wake up, though.”

He pulled me tighter against him. I gasped when I felt his erection pressing against my hip.

“Didn’t you get enough last night?”

He chuckled, the noise almost unfamiliar to me but oh so addictive. “Not a chance.”

He dipped his head, capturing my lips swiftly before I could protest. I melted, sliding my arms around his neck to keep him close. His tongue slid against mine, drawing a moan from me, while his hands explored my still naked body.

“You’re gonna make me jealous, sweetheart.”

Ripping my mouth away from Bennett, I looked guiltily towards the door. Luka was leaning against it, his arms crossed over his chest. He didn’t look angry, though. He looked amused.

“Fuck off, Luka,” Bennett growled.
