Page 41 of Secretary Seduction

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Luka’s grin grew. “If you get time alone with her, then so do I. You sure you wanna chance it? I could lure her away and make sure she forgets all about you.”

Bennett flipped him off, his focus on my neck as he kissed and nipped at the sensitive skin. I bit my lip, fighting off a shiver. I liked the attention, but I didn’t want them to fight.

I shot a worried gaze to Luka, and his face softened a little. He abandoned his spot against the door, marching over to the side of the bed and grabbing my arms, pulling me out of Bennett’s embrace. Bennett snarled, not happy about the interruption, but Luka didn’t stick around. He kissed me until my toes curled before drawing back.

“I guess it’s a date, then. Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes. Better make it quick.”

He strode off without another word, leaving the door open behind him. Not that Bennett seemed to mind. He drew me back into his arms, sliding his hand into my hair as he devoured my lips.

By the time Bennett and I joined Luka in the kitchen, it was well past the ten-minute mark. My face turned bright red at Luka’s grin. He snagged me around the waist when I tried to walk past him, pulling me between his knees. His hand fisted my hair, forcing my head back so he could tangle his tongue with mine. I’d already come twice that morning and he still managed to leave me panting and wet.

“Let her eat, asshole,” Bennett grumbled. He set a plate down at the counter next to Luka, shooting him a dirty look until Luka released me and nudged me onto the stool next to his.

Once I got myself under control, I looked down at the plate in front of me. Luka made pancakes for breakfast. A part of me was thrilled, I loved pancakes, but because I was sitting at the island in nothing but Bennett’s shirt from yesterday, I was hyper aware of the cellulite in my thighs and the softness of my belly. I hesitated long enough for them both to notice, and their growls filled the air.

Luka was on his feet, spinning me and yanking me against his chest in the blink of an eye. Bennett rounded the island, pressing himself against my back.

“I swear, sweetheart, I’ll drag your ass back to bed and spend the morning worshipping you if you think for even one second that your body isn’t perfection. Understand me?”

“Make that two of us. You’re beautiful, Julie. Every damn inch of you,” Bennett agreed.

I sucked in a sharp breath, soaking in their words. I didn’t have any reason to doubt them. Not once last night did they give any indication that they were unhappy with what they saw. If anything, they spent most of the night complimenting me. I wanted to believe them, but…

“I’m sorry. He started commenting on my body years ago. I guess I never realized just how much he got under my skin about it.”

Bennett hugged my shoulders tightly, kissing my temple. “Only an idiot would think there’s something wrong with you. You’re a goddess.”

A blush tinged my cheeks, and I ducked my head. That was going a little far.

Luka’s slim fingers grasped my chin, forcing me to look at him. He leveled me with a look. “He’s not wrong. You’re a goddess. Utter perfection. If you don't believe us, then we’re just going to have to keep showing you until you do.”

My jaw dropped. “But I thought–”

He moved, silencing me with a kiss so sweet that my heart felt like it might burst out of my chest. When he leaned away, he shook his head.

“After last night, I realized once isn’t enough. I need more.”

“Me too,” Bennett mumbled into my hair.

I thought this was supposed to be a one time thing. That they’d get it out of their systems and move on. Now they were asking for more and I didn’t know what to say. Did I want more?


But could I handle dating two guys at once?

That was another situation entirely.

Chapter Twenty


I ended up spending most of Saturday with Luka and Bennett. It wasn’t all about sex, either. We ate together, cuddled together on the couch to watch a movie, and the conversation was relaxed and often hilarious. They were obviously best friends, bickering with each other, but there was no venom to it. Harsh words were usually accompanied with a grin and when they eventually dragged me back into bed, there was no more argument. Their full focus was on me and it was so addictively good that I couldn’t think straight.

Eventually, I had to convince them to let me go home on Sunday morning. I had grocery shopping to do, and I needed to get a good night’s sleep before work. If I spent another night at Luka’s, my brain would be too melted to function, and I didn’t want to flounder at work.

I didn’t realize how much them being around settled me, though. I normally really enjoyed the quiet time to myself. I got used to it since Alan was always so busy. My complex was pretty quiet and on weekends, I could read and relax without worrying about loud neighbors or interruptions. But after spending all of yesterday with Luka and Bennett, I found myself craving their attention. I wanted to text them, but I didn’t want to come off as clingy and annoying, especially since I was the one so adamant about leaving.

I paced my apartment, picking up books and setting them back down before I could really get into them. I had a tendency to use books as an escape, but right now, reality was more interesting than fantasy.
