Page 42 of Secretary Seduction

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When my phone rang, I actually leapt to answer it, nearly tripping over my coffee table in the process. A smile overtook my face when I saw the name on the display and I put it to my ear eagerly.


“Hey, sweetheart. How’s your Sunday going?”

I fought off a giggle. He sounded bored out of his mind, just like me.

“Uh… A little dull, I guess. I did some chores and ran some errands, nothing too exciting.”

He hummed. “Same. Though I don’t do grocery shopping.”

Frowning, I sat down on my couch to get more comfortable. “What do you mean? Who shops for you?”

He chuckled. “No one. I order out for the most part.”

“Can you not cook?” He made pancakes the other morning, and they were delicious, so I never thought about it.

I heard him shifting around, probably stretching out to relax. He liked to lie on his couch. He said it was the best view. He was referring to the panoramic view of the city, but when he’d explained it, he’d been staring at me. It made me blush, and he’d shot me another one of those wicked grins that made my panties wet.

“I can cook, but I don’t, for the most part. It’s depressing to cook for just yourself and doesn’t really seem like it’s worth the effort. Besides, I spend most of my weekends at Grayson’s with him and Bennett. Being here by myself doesn’t happen that often.”

I sighed softly. It must be nice to have friends that close. A thought struck me, and I frowned.

“Wait. Were you supposed to meet Mr Andrews to hang out this weekend? Did I interrupt your time together?”

He snorted. “Not a chance, sweetheart. I’d much rather spend my weekend in bed with you than argue with Grayson about working too much while eating all his snacks. I’m betting Bennett would say the same thing.”

He sounded sincere, but it bothered me a little. I didn’t want to steal Mr Andrews’s friends from him. That seemed cruel. As much as I liked Luka and Bennett, I was an outsider to their little group and I didn’t want to ruin what they already had.

“I can hear you overthinking over there. What’s on your mind?”

There was a small part of me that didn’t want to tell him. I was worried if I pointed it out, it would make things awkward. Or he’d dismiss it entirely and the additional guilt would ruin whatever this was that we were exploring. I really didn’t have any kind of past experience to know how to proceed with things like this.

“Julie, you’re killing me, sweetheart. If you don't start talking to me, I’m gonna have to come over there.”

You’d think after spending an entire day with Luka and Bennett, I’d be set for a while. But Luka’s not-so-veiled threats made my heart race and heat gather between my legs. I pressed them together to ease the growing ache, glad he wasn’t here to watch. He took it as a challenge when I did that and would find some way to find his way in between them.

“Last warning,” he growled, his voice going rough and heated.

I bit my lip. As much as I wanted him here, I came home for a reason and I needed to keep my head on straight. I couldn’t let myself get too lost in this… whatever this was that we were doing. It wouldn’t last, and I needed to protect myself from the eventual heartache by keeping up with my routine.

“I just don’t want you to alienate your friend. You guys are obviously close, and you shouldn’t be ditching him to spend time with me.”

He went quiet, and I found myself holding my breath, waiting for him to berate me and call me ridiculous. Alan always did that whenever I said anything that could be considered an argument against what he wanted.

Luka sighed. “Okay, I get where you’re coming from. But we’re not attached at the hip. He won’t suffer too much when we’re gone. He probably just used it as an excuse to work extra.”

Luka knew their relationship better than me, so he was probably right, but it didn’t make me feel any better.

“But if it helps, we’ll try and include him.”

My stomach tightened. “What?”

He chuckled. “Not like that… Though if you were interested, I’m sure we could get him on board. I doubt there’d be anyone on this planet who’d say no to being with you. I meant we could invite him over when we aren’t fooling around. You’re more than just what’s between your legs, Julie. It would do Grayson some good to spend time with someone as great as you outside of work. You’ve already changed his life for the better inside the office.”

My heart pounded in my chest and I couldn’t do much more than choke out my response. Just being with Bennett and Luka was a lot to deal with. I loved every minute of it, but the idea of adding someone else to the mix was an overwhelming thought. And yet… I wasn’t going to pretend that Mr Andrews didn’t draw me in a certain way. He was gorgeous, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t fantasize about that intense focus being turned onto me. I just wouldn’t admit it out loud. He was my boss and definitely not interested.

“I don’t think he’d like that. He’s my boss. He won’t want to spend time with me outside of work, and I wouldn’t want to force him.”
