Page 50 of Secretary Seduction

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“No!” It was too loud, and I winced. “Sorry. No. I love my job, and I don’t think you work me too hard. I’m really looking forward to joining you at meetings. I felt really useful after the last one.”

“Okay, that’s good. Then what’s wrong? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”

I wasn’t really sure how I felt about bringing it up around him. He was my boss and Bennett’s boss, but he was also Bennett’s friend and he might have some insight that I didn’t.

“I just… I spent some time with Luka and Bennett this weekend.” My blush grew so intense that I felt like my skin was burning, but I pushed past the discomfort. He already knew that, he was there when they asked. “I thought we were doing okay, but when I spoke with Bennett this morning, he seemed really… off. I don’t know. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but then I thought maybe he’d prefer it if I didn’t mention it at work.”

When I braved a glance at Mr Andrews, he was still frowning. I definitely overstepped. I shouldn’t have been talking about things like this with my boss. He was going to get annoyed with me and–

“Well, I did speak to Bennett on Sunday and I know he was feeling a little anxious, but he promised me he’d sit down and talk it through with you at lunch. Did he not come to see you?”

My breath whooshed out of me. I felt really clammed up while I was worried about how he’d react. It was a little like he opened a can of worms though because once I started, it all spilled from me at once. “No. I texted him, asking if he wanted to join me to eat, but he never replied. I’m starting to worry that he regrets what happened. I’m not going to force him to spend time with me, but I really don’t want to lose him as a friend. He was my first real friend here and I’m really worried I ruined that.”

Mr Andrews sighed. I kept waiting for him to say it wasn’t his business or that I should be focusing on my work, but he never did.

“Bennett sometimes struggles with vocalizing his feelings. I don’t believe he regrets your weekend together. Give him a little time to work through it on his own.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


I felt like an idiot. I was hiding from Julie. Ever since I figured out that she was alone with Luka yesterday, I felt like a burden. A third wheel. Luka had always been good with the ladies. They flocked to him every time the three of us went out together. In comparison, I was awkward and clumsy and couldn’t keep a girlfriend for the life of me. They always said I was too clingy and annoying. I knew I promised Grayson I’d talk to Julie about it, but I was worried if I brought it up, she’d say the same thing as everyone else. I didn’t want to lose her, so I figured it was better if I stayed quiet.

I didn’t expect her to text me, asking me to join her for lunch. I tried several times to force myself to go, only to talk myself out of it and turn around. I looked stupid going back and forth to the elevator, so eventually I gave up and locked myself in my office. She’d be happier if Luka ate with her anyway.

The afternoon dragged on almost painfully slowly. My mood only got worse the longer I went without speaking to Julie. I’d need to get used to it, though. If she eventually chose Luka, I’d have to pull back. I didn’t want to make things awkward.

A knock at my door was a welcome relief from the swirling thoughts in my head. I let out a slow breath, calling out to whoever was there.

“Come in.”

Someone poked their head in and I frowned. I didn’t recognize her.

“Are you Bennett Reid?”

I nodded, and she smiled, hustling into the room. “Great. I’m Amelia, I’m an intern on the legal team. I’ve got a few things to deliver to you.”

Waving her in, I put out my hand for the documents. Interns came and went in the company, usually to get credit during school, so it wasn’t surprising that I didn’t recognize her. I knew the interns’ schedules were crazy busy, and I hurriedly read through the paperwork, so I could sign it and she could get out of here.

“You’re the CSO, right?”

Glancing up at her, I nodded. “Chief Security Officer, yeah. Why?”

She waved her hands, scrunching up her nose. “No reason. I honestly had no idea there were so many acronyms for a business. I thought that was a military thing.”

“Not only a military thing, but the military does use a lot of acronyms.”

Her eyebrows went up. “You served?”

Pressing my lips together into a line, I dropped my gaze to the paperwork in front of me. “When I was younger, yeah.”

I hated talking about it. I was too young. I should’ve listened to Grayson when he said I should wait. It was the only big fight we ever had. He said seventeen was too young, but I wanted to make my dad proud. Dad was all too pleased to sign the paperwork to send me early. He’d been drilling military service into my head since I was in diapers. Grayson argued against it. We fought, and I stopped speaking to him for a little while. It was the worst time in my life. By the time I got back, I was broken. When Grayson and I ended up at the same bar together, I thought he’d throw it in my face, tell me I deserved what I got. Instead, he dragged me back to his place and made me stay in his guest room so he could watch out for me. He never once brought up our fight. We’d been inseparable ever since.

“That’s so cool. What branch?”

I blinked, frowning. I had been staring at the documents without actually reading them and I forgot the intern was still here. I signed the one on top, too embarrassed to admit I didn’t actually read it.

