Page 51 of Secretary Seduction

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As I scanned the next one, the intern edges closer, leaning her hip against the side of my desk. I looked up with a frown, pointing at the chair opposite mine.

“You can sit if you want.”

She lifted a shoulder. “I’m good.”

My frown deepened. She liked leaning against my desk?

Shifting slightly, she perched herself on my desk and crossed her legs in front of her, propping her hands on the desk behind her. It was a little annoying. She was basically sitting on my desk, so I hurried to finish with the documents so she could leave.

“So, Mr Reid. CSO, military vet, you must be a really popular guy around here.”

I made a face. “Not really, no. Luka’s the popular one.”

“The CFO? Was he in the military like you?”

I almost laughed. The idea of Luka doing any kind of military service was hilarious to think about. He was fit, he worked out plenty, but he wasn’t really good at following directions. He’d get chewed out almost constantly.

“No. He’s just better at talking to people.”

“I find that hard to imagine,” she purred.

I jerked my gaze up. She made that sound really suggestive and alarm bells went off in my head. It took me until now to notice that the way she was sitting on my desk was showing off her long legs and the smile she flashed me was almost hungry. I opened my mouth to tell her I was taken, but before I could, my office door flew open and Luka marched inside, Grayson following more calmly behind him. They both froze, taking in me and the intern on my desk.

Clearing my throat, I signed the last document and handed it to her. “Here.”

She took them with a smile. “Thank you, Mr Reid. I appreciate it.”

Pushing off my desk, she sauntered out of the room. I didn’t watch her go. I was focused on the furious look on Luka’s face. He stayed quiet until the door to my office closed behind the intern. Then he went nuts.

“What the hell was that?”

I shrugged, but internally I felt really guilty‌. I didn’t even realize she was flirting with me until right before they showed up.

“An intern from legal. She had some paperwork for me to sign.”

Luka scoffed. “Yeah, right. Is that why you won’t speak to Julie? Have you moved on already? You’re a real bastard, you know that?”

“Shut up, Luka. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t even realize–”

“Bullshit. Who doesn’t notice a woman draping themselves across their desk like that? You’re either blind or a liar. If you want to back out of this thing, at least have the decency to be upfront about it. Don’t ignore Julie and hurt her feelings. She’s got enough douchebags to deal with in her life.”

I whipped my gaze to Grayson. “I hurt her feelings?”

He nodded slowly, much more calm than Luka, who had started to pace my office with a scowl. “She missed lunch today because she was overthinking and not paying attention to the time. She said she texted you to ask you to join her. Did you miss the message?”

I dropped my gaze. “No, I got the message.” I just didn’t answer it. I didn’t know what to say. And a small part of me thought if I stayed away from her, I could keep pretending that she wanted me too.

“So you’re ignoring her? You’re a dick, Bennett,” Luka snapped.

“Luka, enough. Let him speak.” Grayson’s tone stayed calm, and he leveled me with a look. “You said you’d talk to her today. You promised, remember?”

Grimacing, I nodded. “I know. I just… wasn’t ready.”

“I get that, but if you don’t get ready, you’re going to end up hurting her. She was upset enough to talk to me about it and you know I’m not the greatest at making people feel better.”

I would’ve rolled my eyes if the situation wasn’t so messed up. Grayson was the only person I wanted to talk to when things got too heavy. He’s a good listener, and he never judged me. If Julie was talking to him, he probably helped more than he thought.

“Ready for what? What’s going on?” Luka demanded.
