Page 52 of Secretary Seduction

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Grayson sighed before giving me his full attention. “Bennett?”

* * *

I tripped over my own feet when Luka shoved me. He almost knocked my ass to the ground, but he didn’t seem to care. He ignored my glare, shoving me again to get me moving.

After I explained what was going on in my head, Luka lost his temper. He grabbed me by my jacket and hauled me out of my office, forcing me towards the elevator. The only reason I let him get away with it was because he was berating me along the way, calling me all sorts of names. He basically agreed that I was an idiot, and he said if I didn’t go apologize to Julie that he’d kick my ass. The threat didn’t mean much, but when Grayson told me what Julie said about being afraid to lose me as a friend, it knocked the wind out of me and I went along with what Luka was doing without complaint.

As we approached Julie’s desk, I studied her face. She looked okay, she wasn’t crying or anything, but she wasn’t smiling either. Julie was always smiling. It was my favorite thing about her. Even when she was working by herself, her lips were always tipped up and sometimes she hummed to herself while she worked. She wasn’t smiling now. She frowned down at the paperwork she was organizing, her gaze almost obsessively flicking to her phone and back.

“Julie, my office, please.” Grayson’s voice drew her attention and when she glanced up, she did a double take, confusion written all over her face.

“Uh… okay…”

Luka shoved me again, forcing me into Grayson’s office. Julie followed behind us, moving to sit on the couch at Grayson’s urging. Grayson’s office was the biggest in the building, with enough room for his desk, bookshelves, a fancy sitting area to entertain big investors, and a mini bar in the corner. He probably never intended for it to be used for so many therapy sessions, though.

“Okay, sweetheart. I know you’re probably confused, but bear with me for a second. Bennett’s got some explaining to do,” Luka told her as he nudged me forward again.

Her delicate brows drew together, and she looked between us anxiously. “Is something wrong?”

He scoffed. “No. You two are just a lot more alike than you’d think. Bennett, care to share why you’ve been ignoring our girl?”

Her expression shuttered immediately, and she dropped her gaze to her lap. “Luka, you’re being unkind. If he doesn’t want to talk to me–”

“I do!” The guilt was overwhelming, and I was a little embarrassed, to be honest, but she was about to say I didn't want to talk to her and I didn’t want her to think that for even a second.

“I do want to talk to you, Julie. All the time. I have to stop myself from texting you six million times a day. I don’t want to smother you. And…”

She looked up at me hesitantly, her lips pressed together in a pretty pout. “And?”

When I hesitated, Grayson stepped up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. His support bolstered me a little, and I forced the words past my lips.

“And I don’t want you to force yourself to be with me just because Luka offered the both of us. You can choose him if you want. I won’t get upset about it.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


He was lying. I could see it all over his face. He was already upset about it. It was the same worry that I had ever since he started shutting me out. That he only agreed because he felt obligated and he didn’t actually want me. I never wanted to make him feel that way, though. Pushing to my feet, I moved to stand in front of him, putting my hands on his chest. A pained look flashed across his face, but I ignored it for now, gathering every ounce of bravery I had to lift onto my toes and kiss him.

It would’ve probably been more effective if he wasn’t so tall. I couldn’t reach his lips on my own, but I didn’t want to force him to kiss me either, so I wasn’t going to drag him down. I managed to kiss under his chin instead.

Luka snorted, and my face burned. I took a step back, too embarrassed to try again, but Bennett caught me with his big hands wrapped around my waist. He drew me closer, albeit hesitantly, and I could see the fear of rejection in his eyes when he dipped his head to kiss me. I didn’t make him wait, pressing my lips against his with enough pressure to prove my intention. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to kiss him. I never meant for him to think that I didn’t.

When I pulled back, his eyes stayed closed, and he swayed on his feet. I bit back a smile, bumping my forehead against his.

“I’m sorry if I did something to make you think I didn’t want you. I never meant to hurt you.”

He gathered me closer, shaking his head slowly without pulling away from me. “It’s my fault. I figured out Luka was with you without me and I got in my head.”

I sighed softly. I was worried about that. As much as I enjoyed spending time with Luka yesterday, we never actually discussed alone time in this… whatever we were doing. The morning with just me and Bennett was one thing, Luka was in the next room. Bennett not being invited was a little cruel.

“I’m sorry. It wasn’t that I didn’t want you there. I just–”

“That was my fault. If you’re gonna be pissed about it, be pissed at me. I didn’t even ask her first,” Luka interrupted.

I’d completely forgotten we weren’t alone. Glancing around, I grimaced. Luka was sitting on the chair opposite Mr Andrews, who was working on some paperwork at his desk, completely ignoring us. Luka’s feet were on his desk, a few papers in his lap, but his eyes were on us. He didn’t look guilty, he still looked really annoyed, but his voice had less of an edge to it than it did when he showed up, shoving Bennett around like he wasn’t like a foot taller than him.

“Shut up, Luka,” Bennett snapped.
