Page 54 of Secretary Seduction

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“It’s game night.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


I figured since their new relationship was just getting off the ground that I’d be spending another weekend alone. I didn’t expect them to show up here after we all split up at the office. And apparently, neither did Julie. She looked just as confused as I felt, shooting Bennett a look. He just shrugged.

“It’s game night.”

My eyes rolled so hard it was almost painful. “Seriously? I don’t think that’s what you truly want to be doing tonight.”

Luka smirked. “No, not really. But Julie has mentioned more than once that she doesn’t want us to leave you out.”

My mouth fell open, and I jerked to face her. She flushed a deep red and shoved his shoulder.

“You’re making it sound wrong! I just don’t want you alienating your friend!”

Luka shot her a smug look. “Sure. Let’s go with that.”

Her blush deepened, and my confusion only grew. Luka was making it sound like Julie wanted me to join them in bed. I had already been very upfront about my stance on the whole thing. I wasn’t willing to ruin our working relationship for sex, but that didn’t stop me from thinking about it. Too damn much, in my opinion. She hadn’t shown any indication that she wanted me to be part of it, but if she asked me outright, I might not have been able to stop myself. I preferred avoidance and focusing on work to distract from my ever-growing need to touch her.

“Luka, stop being a dick. That isn’t what she meant. And as much as I appreciate your concern, I can assure you that I’m fine. I don’t need you to force yourselves to be here just to make a point. Now if you don’t mind, I had some work–”

Julie frowned. “Work? What kind of work? You finished all the paperwork you had to do before we left for the day. I filed it myself.”

“One of the many reasons we’re here today is because if we don’t show up, Grayson will go looking for work to keep himself busy. You’re a fantastic secretary, sweetheart. I’m sure the evil overlord didn’t mean to make it sound like you weren’t,” Luka cooed at her.

When I stepped toward him with a scowl, he darted away, hiding behind Julie. She looked bewildered and honestly, a little annoyed, which was a first. Julie was too sweet to get mad.

“Luka! Stop!”

He took her tiny growl in stride, molding himself against her back with his arms around her waist. “Hey, I’m a feminist, honey. You gotta protect me.”

She rolled her eyes and elbowed him before giving me her attention. “I apologize, Mr Andrews. I didn’t know we were coming here or I would’ve told them to at least call first.”

She didn’t outright say she would’ve forced them to leave me alone and, for some reason, that felt good. Almost like she wanted to be here, but was too shy to admit it. I decided to give a little, reminding myself repeatedly that she was here for them, not for me.

“It’s fine. I’m used to their antics by now. And if we’re going to be spending time together outside of work, you might as well call me Grayson. Those two will tease me relentlessly about it if you keep calling me Mr Andrews during game night.”

“I mean… I’m not gonna hate if you’re into that kinda thing,” Luka drawled. “Seems a little weird to request while playing video games, though. That’s more of a bed play kind of thing. Right?”

He shot a salacious grin at Julie and Bennett. He was going to keep poking at people until he found a distraction. It was what he did. I often wondered if he was hiding behind all his jokes and teasing, but whenever I asked, he said he did it because he liked the attention. It was believable enough, but probably not the whole truth. I couldn’t force him to talk to me, though.

“Alright, alright. Enough. What are we playing?”

Triumph lit up Luka’s face, and he jumped over the back of my couch, putting his hands behind his head as he got comfortable. “I’m down for anything.”

Bennett hadn’t really been paying attention. His focus was on Julie. He didn’t say anything, but he stood so close, he was practically leaning on her, his fingers drifting slowly through her hair. A smile tugged at her lips and she leaned into him a little, her attention still bouncing between Luka and me.

It was an intimate exchange and so easy between the two of them. I couldn’t help the jealousy that settled heavily in my stomach. To distract myself, I headed for the kitchen to grab some beers. It was our routine, and it didn’t occur to me to offer anything differently. When I handed Julie a bottle, she smiled in thanks, but Luka leaned over the couch and plucked it out of her hand with a frown.

“Dude. Girls don’t drink that stuff. She needs something pink and fruity.”

Julie rolled her eyes. “That’s sexist.”

“But am I wrong?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

She pursed her lips. It didn’t look like she wanted to let him win, but she wasn’t willing to lie, either. I frowned.
