Page 55 of Secretary Seduction

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Bennett kissed the top of her head before stepping away from her. “I’ll get you something, Julie. Go sit down.” He nudged her towards the couches before heading for the kitchen. When Julie shot me a worried look, I shook my head.

“It’s fine. Neither of them has any sense of decorum in my home. I apologize for not asking first. I wasn’t thinking.”

She bit her lip, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m sure it would’ve been fine.”

We stood quietly for a moment until Luka spoke up again.

“Wow. You two are awkward. It’s almost painful to watch.” He was leaning over the back of the couch, staring at us like an idiot. I smacked him on the back of the head without thinking about it. Julie’s eyes widened, and I grimaced, but her giggle broke the tension before I could start apologizing again.

“You deserved that.”

Luka let out a scandalized gasp. “Sweetheart! You’re supposed to be on my side! It’s like rule number one when you’re seeing someone!”

Their banter relaxed me a little, and we moved to the couches to pick out a game. When Julie admitted that she’d never played video games before, we all looked at her in shock. Game night turned into training night as we each took turns showing her how to play our favorite games. She was god awful at shooters, but she excelled in puzzles and anything that required an organized mind. My taste in games matched her skills better than the other two, and warmth filled my chest every time they complained when our team kicked their asses.

The awkwardness faded away and what I thought would be a couple of hours ended up being the entire night. It wasn’t until Julie was falling asleep against Bennett’s shoulder that we called it quits. Bennett took Julie home and Luka didn’t even kick up a fuss about them not getting to sleep with her. He just threw himself onto my couch with a groan and promptly passed out.

After Bennett texted me that they’d gotten home safely, I cleaned up the living room. I couldn’t leave the mess. It would bother me too much to get any decent sleep. Once I finished, I nudged Luka awake.

“Go to the guest room.”

He groaned. “Too far.”

I rolled my eyes. “Shut up. You’re going to ruin my couch.”

He made an irritated noise, forcing himself to sit up. “You’re so weird. Fine, I’ll go to the guest room. But you’re making me breakfast.”

I raised an eyebrow, but he didn’t even look in my direction. He slumped toward the guest room and collapsed on top of the bed without even bothering to remove his shoes. Idiot.

Scrubbing my hands over my face, I sighed. Sometimes I considered getting a new place with more bedrooms just so those two could have their own spaces. It became a huge pain in the ass to clean the guest room every time one of them stayed over. I couldn’t help myself, though. No one wanted to sleep on dirty sheets.

While it was late, my brain was still very much awake. It was the same thing every night. I needed to be truly exhausted in order to pass out. I changed into my workout gear and grabbed my keys, heading downstairs to the gym in my building.

I preferred to work out at this time of night. It was always empty. No one wanted to be exercising this late but me. Even Luka and Bennett made faces when they heard my preference for exercising late at night. It helped clear my head so I could get a decent night’s rest. I worked out until I was dead on my feet, showered, and went to bed. The routine probably wasn’t healthy, but it was better than working all night.

Once I finally made my way back upstairs, I was drenched in sweat and my muscles were screaming at me. I barely mustered the energy to take a quick shower before dropping face first onto the bed with a groan. I didn’t even bother to get dressed, pulling the sheets up over my hips before exhaustion overtook me and I passed out.

“Mr Andrews.”

Blinking a few times, I looked around. When my eyes locked on Julie, my brow furrowed.

“Julie? What are you doing here?”

She bit her lip, edging closer to the end of the bed. “They weren’t wrong.”

I tipped my head. “About what?”

“I want you to join.”

My breath left me in a rush and I could only stare as she crawled up the bed until she was above me. All my blood rushed south and when my cock swelled, it drew her attention. She licked her lips, and I felt myself twitch, groaning when she gripped my erection through the sheets.

I should be protesting, reminding both of us of our work relationship, but I couldn’t say a word to stop her. She had a flush to her cheeks and her gaze burned with desire. When I reached for her, she shook her head slowly.

“You’re always working. Let me take care of you.”

Swallowing hard, I dropped my hand, letting her have control. It never happened, not for me. I was the one in control. I preferred it that way. But I was helpless to deny her anything. I could only lie there and watch as she slowly dragged the sheets down my body and tossed them away.

When she started pumping me again, I shut my eyes for a second, just enjoying the feeling of her hand on me. It was something I thought about far too much and I berated myself constantly for it. I shouldn’t be allowing this. Our work relationship was too important to–
