Page 59 of Secretary Seduction

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“Luka! We’re gonna get caught,” I whispered harshly.

He chuckled. “Would that really be so bad?”

I bit my lip. I didn’t want either of them to think I was embarrassed to be seen with them, but we’d discussed it and agreed to keep our relationship out of the office for the time being. People here liked to gossip, and I was already the center of too much talk.


I shivered when he nipped lightly at my neck, licking the sting away. Just like every time either of them got handsy, I was helpless to do anything but let him have his way with me. It felt too good for me to protest. It didn’t stop me from tensing when I heard voices exiting the elevator. We were out of sight, but for how long?

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I remember your rule. I’d never let them actually catch us. But it’s the thrill of the potential that makes it so fun, isn’t it?”

His hands slid up my front under the documents I had clutched against my chest, cupping my breasts. His thumbs brushed lightly over my nipples, and a breathy moan escaped me. My thighs pressed together tightly, trying to ease my response to him a little.

“If I could, I’d show off to the entire building just how perfect you are. I’d let them watch as Bennett and I took you roughly like you like it. Bet that would shut them up for a little while.”

My breathing picked up considerably and my eyes fluttered shut on their own. His words were intoxicating and while I doubted I’d ever be interested in doing anything that public, there was no harm in imagining it.

“There’s a conference room down the hall. I want to drag you inside and do dirty things to you until you’re screaming for the entire floor to hear. Fuck, Julie, you turn me on so damn much. I hate that I have to wait until the work day is done to touch you again.”

The voices had faded for a minute, but they were coming back our way. I couldn’t focus on it, though. I was ensnared in the spell he was weaving, panting and shifting uncomfortably.

“Just wait until we get you home. I’m gonna put you on your knees for teasing me in this outfit all day.”

It wasn’t that fancy an outfit, just a pencil skirt and a light pink blouse I picked up a few weeks ago. It was a little tighter than I was used to, but with my confidence being so high, I threw caution to the wind and decided to try it. I was grateful for it now, knowing that it drove Luka crazy.

He pressed a kiss to my neck, grinding his hips against my rear end before stepping back and away from me. “Until later, Julie.”

He slipped out of the room and I could hear his jovial voice greeting whoever had been coming closer. He gave me a minute to gather my senses and when I slipped out, he had them turned around with their backs to me as they listened to his story about the time he had to do a presentation at a conference with no pants on. It had to be a lie, I couldn’t ever imagine that being true, but he said it with such confidence that it almost felt true.

I snuck away, sitting back at my desk. I actually had to fan my face, I was so overwhelmed from that experience. I bit my lip, briefly considering what it’d be like to do something so brazen in the conference room before I returned my focus to the documents I’d been copying for this afternoon’s meeting.

* * *

I ran into Luka again about thirty minutes before the meeting. I was going to set up the conference room and found him leaning against the wall by the door with a frown on his face. When I stepped up to him, he smiled, but didn’t light up like he normally did.

“Hey, sweetheart.”

“Hey. What’s wrong?”

He tipped his head towards the conference room. “Bennett’s on the phone with his old man. Douchebag constantly puts him down and makes him feel like shit. Now he’s gonna be a huge pain in the ass for the whole meeting.”

He was trying to lighten the mood a little, but I knew better. He cared more than he would admit. It probably bothered him that Bennett was upset, and he was looking for some way to make it seem like he didn’t.

Cracking the door open, I peeked in at Bennett. He was on the phone, a deep frown on his face. Worry ate at me. It wasn’t about the meeting, though Grayson said it was important. I was worried because he looked so dejected and that tugged at something inside me. I closed the door, glancing back at Luka.

“What do we do?”

He sighed. “Not sure there’s much we can do. Unless…”

My brows furrowed. “Unless?”

He looked around conspiratorially before leaning close to whisper in my ear. “Unless you wanna go in there and make him feel better?”

I jerked away from him, my mouth falling open. “What?!”

He lifted a shoulder, an innocent look on his face. “It’s just an idea. It always takes him hours to get out of his funk after a phone call with his old man.”

I bit my lip, stunned that I was even considering it. I shook my head quickly. “We’ll get caught.”
