Page 68 of Secretary Seduction

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Nodding, I scanned the document before signing my name next to his. I knew all about the contract because I signed one for Bennett and Luka too. I just never expected Grayson to want one with me.

“Thank you. Now, in no way do I want you to feel pressured to start something with me. I took advantage during a sensitive situation and–”

“I do!” I grimaced at the panic in my tone. “... Want to start something with you, I mean. I just… I don’t know how to do this. Shouldn’t we ask Bennett and Luka first?”

He nodded slowly. “If that would make you more comfortable, we can do that. We can meet them after work if you want, or we can wait for another game night.”

That would mean waiting until the end of the week. While a part of me wanted the break to get my head on straight, a much larger part of me kept replaying that kiss in the elevator. I wasn’t sure I could wait a week to experience that again.

“I think… After work is best. We’d originally planned to meet up after work. I was going to postpone since today was so hectic, but…”

The possibility of it still being hectic when we talked to the guys was high. I had no idea what their feelings were on adding Grayson to the mix. They’d been friends for years, but that didn’t mean they’d be willing to share even more than they already do. I felt greedy asking for more, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in Grayson from the start. He was handsome and kind, and his intensity made my knees weak. Would it make me a cheater to say that I’ve thought about being with him?

“Julie… if this is too much, we don’t have to–”

I shook my head, frowning. “It’s not that. It’s just… I’ve never really done anything like this. I’m constantly worried I’ll do or say the wrong thing and make someone jealous. Apparently jealous enough to pull pranks and almost get me into trouble.”

I was still sour about that. The more I thought about it, the more angry I got with Luka. He convinced me that it would be okay, that I should make Bennett feel better. We would’ve been fine if I just stayed hidden after the first time people came in, but Luka kept pushing and I trusted him not to let anything bad happen. He kept saying he would watch out for me and we were still caught.

Grayson sighed. “I can understand that. It’s not something any of us have done before, shared a woman in a relationship. There are bound to be bumps along the way. And I do think it’s important to put up boundaries, especially with Luka. He and Bennett may be okay with that sort of thing, but he shouldn’t be dragging you into his games without talking to you about it.”

Grayson’s serious expression relaxed me a little. After Alan, I was always a little worried that I was overreacting when I got upset about something. You get told enough that you are, you start to question yourself. I never wanted to push Luka or Bennett away by being too sensitive. But Grayson agreed with me. He was level headed and authoritative, and it made me feel better that someone like him felt the same way. I wasn’t being crazy.

“Thank you, Grayson. I needed to hear that.”

His face softened. “From what little I’ve heard about relationships like this, open honesty is important. If someone does something to upset you, you shouldn’t hide it. I know for a fact that those two value your opinion. They wouldn’t want you to be upset.”

I nodded. He was probably right. Neither of the guys ever made me feel like they didn’t care about my opinion. It was just today that was out of the norm.

“Well, now I know better than to listen to Luka. I’m sorry about that, by the way. I didn’t plan for any of that to happen.”

He chuckled. “We all learn that lesson eventually. At least it only took one lesson for you. It took me several times in college getting caught being reckless to realize that Luka doesn’t think things through. If he wasn’t such a whiz with numbers, I’d seriously question his position here.”

That made me nervous. As upset as I was with Luka, I didn’t want him to get into trouble. Grayson didn’t seem angry anymore, though. He moved on, going over a few things we needed to finish up before we left for the night. The normalcy settled my nerves, and I took notes diligently, nodding along.

“How’s the search for your assistant going?”

I pursed my lips. “Well, I put the application online. HR said to give it a week to let applications come in before starting on any interviews. I’ve never done interviews before, so I asked for help in the process.”

“Have Bennett sit in with you. He apparently has the ability to find the perfect secretary. He’d be an asset when you’re interviewing.”

It wasn’t the first time he complimented me at my job, but for some reason, it hit me differently when we were considering starting something together. I flushed, ducking my head, and when I glanced up at him, his smile made my stomach do flips.

“O-Okay. I’ll ask him to be there. Is there anything else, Mr Andrews?”

It slipped out, I wasn’t used to not being formal at work, but the wicked grin that crossed his face made me suck in a sharp breath.

“That’ll be all, Miss Summers.”

* * *

I kept myself busy the rest of the afternoon, still trying to make up for what happened in the conference room. But whenever I had a minute to myself, my mind swung back to the elevator and that kiss, and what the guys would say when they found out. By the time we finished up for the day, I was a jittery mess. I chewed on my bottom lip, following Grayson to the parking lot.

“The guys left before we did. If I had to make a guess, they’re probably at my place, ready to stage a protest about my reaction this afternoon.” He was so calm and unaffected, a slight smirk on his face.

I pursed my lips, my brows furrowed. “What for? You weren’t unkind, and I deserved the reprimand.”

His heavy sigh drew my attention, and I jerked my head in his direction, worried I said something wrong.
