Page 69 of Secretary Seduction

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“Sometimes, I forget just how lucky I was when Bennett found you. You’re so rational compared to them.”

I rolled my lips between my teeth to hold back my laugh. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I could see where he was coming from. They each had their own personalities, and if Bennett or Luka had chosen someone like them as Grayson’s secretary, I doubted it would have worked out. Luka was loud and playful and Bennett was quiet and demanding, where Grayson was tempered and strict. They are so vastly different that it was sometimes surprising how they all fit so well together.

Grayson opened the door for me when we arrived at his car in the parking lot. I felt my cheeks flush as I sat down, smiling shyly as he shut the door behind me. Watching him as he came around to the driver’s side, I tried to mentally prepare myself. I wanted this more than anything, but there was no guarantee that the guys would say yes.

Once Grayson was behind the wheel and pulling into traffic, he distracted me with work talk. It was easier that way, and I found myself relaxing at the simple conversation.

“Have you found yourself a dress yet?”

My brow furrowed. “For what?”

“The gala. It’s coming up soon.”

“Oh.” I hadn’t even thought about it. After what happened with Alan, I didn’t think I would be going.

When I didn’t answer right away, he flicked his gaze to me before focusing back on the road. “Did you not want to go?”

I lifted a shoulder uneasily. “I wasn’t planning on it. I thought I’d be going with Alan, but…” I didn’t need to finish that sentence. Grayson was the only one who’d been there through each and every humiliating encounter with Alan. Every time I remembered that fact, I grimaced internally. It was a little hard to believe he wanted to start something with me when he got to witness all of my most embarrassing moments.

Grayson took a deep breath, his brow furrowed. “I suppose I was being presumptuous when I thought you’d be going with me.” When I shot him a startled look, his lips twisted like he was holding back a smile. “I’ll admit, I’ve grown accustomed to having you at meetings with me. With so many investors coming to the gala, I wanted you there sort of like a second set of ears. With the amount of people I meet with, I get a headache trying to keep all their proposals straight.”

Tipping my head, I thought about it. “I guess that’s not a bad idea. I didn't think of it that way. And maybe if I go with you, I could make some sort of excuse so that you’ll get a few minutes' break every once in a while.”

He flashed me a grin, shaking his head. “I’m going to start calling you nurse if you’re not careful.”

I giggled, biting my lip. “I like being helpful.”

“Well, you excel at that. Now our only obstacle will be getting the two prank kings to agree. Considering the lengths they’ll go to just to get back at each other for spending alone time with you, I’m not sure they’ll be easy to manage when it comes to being my date for the evening.”

Rolling my lips between my teeth, I fought off a grin. No, maybe not. We were all still working out the kinks in a relationship like this, and we were about to throw another wrench in it. There was no telling how either of them would respond to me going to the gala with Grayson. When we pulled into the garage of his building, I sucked in a deep breath.

Grayson surprised me when he reached over and took my hand, squeezing gently. “It’s alright. However this goes, I want you to know that your job is safe and nothing at work is going to change. Alright?”

I nodded, but I wasn’t sure I agreed with him. After that kiss in the elevator, it felt like everything changed.

Chapter Thirty-Three


“I should kick your ass for what you did.”

Me and Luka had shown up at Grayson’s at almost the exact same time, pulling into the parking garage one right after the other. I figured he was here for the same thing as me, to make sure that Julie didn’t get into trouble for what happened, but I was still pissed at him for pushing her in the first place.

He shot me a dirty look over the hood of his car. “Maybe if you were less of an asshole, I wouldn’t have gone that far.”

I scowled, marching towards him. “You could’ve hung up! And the prank shit is between me and you, not her! You almost got her fired!”

He went chest to chest with me, his fists clenched at his sides. He wouldn’t actually hit me. He wasn’t stupid enough to think he could beat me hand to hand. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to, though. And I almost wished he would. It’d give me an excuse to lay him out for pulling a prank on Julie.

“You’re lucky Grayson didn’t fire her. If he did, our friendship would be over.”

Luka jerked back like I’d hit him, shock and something I couldn’t quite decipher flitting over his face before he scowled at me.

“I wouldn’t have let him fire her. Fuck off, Bennett.”

With an irritated grunt, I shoved past him, heading for the elevators. He followed me, his arms crossed and his head turned away as we waited for it to arrive. We ascended in silence, both of us glowering at the walls and refusing to look at each other. When the doors slid open, he shoved me out of his way, storming towards Grayson’s.

The apartment was empty when we showed up. It wasn’t really surprising that we beat Grayson here. Even with Julie’s help, it was hard to pull him away from his work. Sometimes I stayed back and waited for him, but today I didn’t want to hang around Julie’s desk and possibly get her into more trouble. I sat on a stool at the kitchen island, sending Julie a text to check in. Luka grabbed a beer and stalked off, turning on the TV obnoxiously loud. Asshole.
