Page 74 of Secretary Seduction

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Chapter Thirty-Five


If I wasn’t so busy trying not to completely lose my head over Julie’s soft confession, I would’ve hurt Grayson for interrupting us. As it was, when she pulled away in surprise, I was too focused on not coming in my pants for the second time tonight to do anything but lean my forehead against her shoulder and take deep breaths. That was the hottest thing I think she could’ve said, and I seriously doubted I’d be able to keep my head on straight after that.

Without warning, I dipped and tossed her over my shoulder. Food could wait. She let out an adorable little squeak of surprise, her hands clutching my shirt as she tried to keep herself upright.

“Luka what–”

I chuckled, lightly smacking her ass. “What did you expect after saying something like that? Wait until the guys hear.”

Another startled noise escaped her, and she wriggled to escape. I ducked back into the apartment, making a beeline for the guest room. I saw Grayson frowning at us, but I ignored him. I’d explain later. Or maybe I wouldn’t. We could definitely use Julie’s confession in a few more pranks before they figured it out.

When I dumped her onto the bed, I paused long enough to pull off my t-shirt. I changed my clothes earlier, which made this significantly easier. Though I was purposely not thinking about that. It was confusing, and I didn’t want to think about anything other than the woman staring up at me, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wide. I dropped myself on top of her, fisting her hair and claiming her mouth roughly.

“You shouldn’t reward his bad behavior,” Grayson drawled. It drew Julie’s focus, and she pulled away, looking over my shoulder. I ignored him, brushing a line of kisses down her neck. Julie forgave me. That’s all that mattered.

“I– We talked and–” She gasped, arching against me when I ground my cock against her. Her skirt had ridden up when I dropped her on the bed, giving me the perfect position between her thighs.

Grayson’s voice sounded amused. “You’re too easy on him, sweetheart. If you were pranking me, I’d punish you for it.”

I felt, rather than saw, her reaction to his words. Her grip on my shoulders tightened and her breath quickened. When I pulled away enough to look at her, her pupils were blown out and the flush in her cheeks worked its way down her neck. It felt good knowing I was the only one who knew about her power exchange kink. Apparently, it went both ways because the thought of Grayson controlling her turned her on.

Nipping at her neck, I whispered in her ear. “That right, beautiful? You gonna punish me?”

She whimpered, rolling her hips against mine. “N-No, we already agreed it was my fault, too.”

I hummed in agreement, sucking gently on her neck. “Maybe we should punish you instead. What do you say to that?”

Grayson made a tick sound behind his teeth. “Maybe you both should be punished. If you let Luka off the hook, he’s only going to try again later.”

I shot him a dirty look. I wouldn’t try shit at work again because Julie asked me not to. But Grayson didn’t look pissed. He was smirking, watching us intently as he leaned against the wall by the door. I could see Bennett hovering nearby, but I jerked my gaze away when he locked eyes with me. Giving my attention back to Julie, I dipped my head, brushing kisses along her skin as I slowly unbuttoned her blouse.

“What do you say, sweetheart?”

She nodded, and lust crowded my senses, making it hard for me to concentrate. Fuck, the things this woman could do to me. I didn’t even know Grayson’s plan, but if Julie was part of it, I wanted in.


Lifting my head, I flashed Julie a wicked grin. “I’m in.”

* * *

I’d only ever walked in on Grayson once while he was with some chick. I didn’t really know what he was into or how he’d fit in to all this, so when he pulled up a chair and sat by the bed, his eyes glued to Julie, I raised my eyebrows.

“Not going to join in?”

He shook his head. “Not this time. Get off her. Your punishment for being such an ass today is you don’t get to touch.”

Some of the desire tempered, and I glared at him. “What the fuck does that mean?”

He jerked his chin. “Means she can touch you, but not the other way around. Lie down, grab the headboard. If your hands move, I’ll make her stop.”

It wasn’t as bad as I thought and given the lust drunk look on Julie’s face, she seemed into the idea. With one last burning kiss, I twisted and dropped onto my back, putting my hands over my head. Julie sat up slowly, dragging her gaze along my naked torso. Okay, maybe this would be harder than I thought. When she looked at me all hungry like that, all I wanted to do was attack her. Not touching her was going to suck.

“Bennett, take off her clothes.”

Shit. I had been so focused on Julie that I forgot he would be part of this. There was a lot of shit left unsaid after earlier, and I worried for a minute that he’d bring it up, but he gave his full focus to Julie, pulling her off the bed and into his arms. And because I agreed to the punishment, I could only watch as he slowly peeled her out of her blouse and skirt. I found myself white knuckling the headboard, salivating when her bra and panties joined the pile on the floor. She really was perfect, with supple curves and soft skin, flushed pink with her blushing. Her long hair trailed down her back, drawing my focus onto her peachy behind.
