Page 78 of Secretary Seduction

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He smiled softly. “I enjoyed having you in it, actually.” He handed me a coffee, gesturing to one of the stools by the island. “I normally have trouble sleeping, but having you next to me helped a lot.”

My face flushed, and I bit my lip against the huge smile that wanted to spread across my face. “I’ve been told I’m a bed hog.”

He made a tick sound behind his teeth. “Nonsense. You were fine. I hope you don’t mind me joining you. It was either that or sleep with Luka, and he’s been known to cuddle even with his friends. I’d rather cuddle you than him.”

That made me laugh because I’d experienced sleeping with Luka before. He was an excellent cuddler, but I could see why Grayson wouldn’t want that.

“Did I wake you when I left?” he queried.

I shook my head. “No. My alarm went off.”

He blinked a few times, looking behind him at the clock on the microwave. Then he huffed out a laugh, shaking my head. “So this is how you manage to beat me to the office so often. It’s five am.”

Scrunching my nose, I shrugged. “I’m an early riser. Besides, when I get there before you, I have time to settle in before our morning meeting.”

He hummed his acknowledgement, coming to sit beside me. “I’ve started looking forward to those meetings. I know my day is going to go well with you in charge of the schedule.”

His praise lit me up inside, and I beamed at him. I didn’t really feel like I was useful at my old job, with my only real responsibility being providing snacks. Grayson made me feel vital to the company, and that meant a lot to me.

“I’m afraid you’re not going to be able to beat me into work this morning,” he teased.

I snickered. “No. I’ll probably be late. I need to run home to change, and the trains are crowded first thing.”

He frowned. “You take the train to work?”

“Yes. It's not far, and I like that I don’t need to waste gas. Besides, in the evenings, the guys like to drive me home.” Usually because it was their night, but I didn’t want to bring that up. I didn’t know how Grayson was going to involve himself in all of this. Last night, he directed, but he didn’t participate, so I wasn’t sure what that meant.

“I’ll give you a ride home.”

Biting my lip, I shook my head. “You don’t have to do that. I wouldn’t want to make you late.”

He chuckled, drawing my focus. “Honestly, Julie, I’d rather not go in if you’re not there. I swear, people seek me out when they know I’m busy. You’re my buffer. You keep the animals at bay.”

I covered my mouth to muffle my laugh to not wake Luka. Grayson’s eyes danced as he grinned at me, and butterflies exploded in my stomach. He had a really great smile.

“Look at you two, flirting like a real couple. He’s not your only boyfriend, beautiful.”

Luka’s voice broke the moment and when I turned to glance at him, he smirked at me. I pursed my lips, frowning at him.

“That wasn’t what you were wearing yesterday.”

Coming around the island, he wrapped himself around me, nuzzling into my neck. “I keep a few spare outfits here in case I’m too tired or too drunk to drive home.”

Grayson nodded, pushing off the stool. “Bennett does the same thing. I’ve been considering finding a new place so that they can each have their own room. It’d make my life easier not having to clean up the guest room so often.”

Luka made a face. “I told you, you don’t have to go through all the trouble. We don’t give a shit if the bed isn’t made.”

It seemed like an old argument, one that Grayson had no interest in changing his mind about. I was a little jealous about the idea of them all living together, though. Living alone wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. It was lonely and occasionally a little terrifying given that if I got hurt, no one would know. I hadn’t had roommates since college, but it was nice to have someone to greet you when you came home.

“Julie, if we get moving now, we should be able to make it to the office on time. You said yesterday that I had a morning meeting?”

I nodded, rattling off the schedule for the day as I wriggled free of Luka’s embrace and hopped off the stool. I found my clothes neatly folded on the dresser of the guest room. I had to push Luka out of the room when he kept offering to help, knowing that if I let him, we’d for sure be late. When I came back out, Grayson was dressed in a dark suit and tie, frowning at Luka.

“You’re sure?”

Luka bobbed his head. “That’s what I heard. I’ve been running the numbers on what would happen if he pulled his investments. I think if we got a few decent investors during the gala, it shouldn’t affect the bottom line.”

Grayson sighed. “Did you hear why?”
