Page 79 of Secretary Seduction

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“No. It’s all rumors for now. I’m just trying to be prepared.”

“I appreciate that. I’ll fish around, see if I can get a clear idea on it.”

When I stepped up to them, Luka flashed me a bright smile. “There she is. Come on, beautiful. We’ve got a company to run.”

Grayson rolled his eyes, leading the way out of the apartment, and I fought off a smile. Their bickering was just how their friendship worked, and it was always tempered with affection. Bennett said they’d all been friends for years, and it showed in how they interacted with each other. Another wave of jealousy washed over me. Once this little experiment was over, they’d still have each other. And I’d be back to being alone.

* * *

I made the guys wait in the car and hurried through getting ready so that we wouldn’t be late. I didn’t trust Luka not to cause trouble. I grabbed a few muffins from my bread bin, figuring we’d be in a rush once we got into the office. I didn’t want Grayson skipping meals if I could avoid it.

When I dropped back into the front seat of Grayson’s car and handed out the food, he frowned at me.

“Did you bring these home from work?”

I tipped my head, my brows furrowing. “What? No. I made them myself.”

His eyebrows shot up. “You… You’ve been making my breakfast?”

Even Luka looked curious, leaning forward between our seats. “Seriously? I’m jealous.”

I blushed, shrugging helplessly. “It’s no trouble. I like baking and you have a lot fewer headaches when you’ve eaten, so–”

Without warning, Grayson lunged toward me, capturing my lips. I gasped, surprised, and his hands slipped into my hair, keeping me from moving as he tangled his tongue with mine. Heat exploded from my belly outward, and it felt like the temperature in the car raised a few degrees. It was intense and passionate and overwhelming, and I completely forgot where we were until Luka hummed.

“Damn, these are good.”

Grayson didn’t jerk away. He drew back slowly, still sipping at my lips until I was breathless and my body swayed toward him at his retreat. His hands, still tight in my hair, kept me from pulling away and he rested his forehead against mine.

“You really are perfect,” he murmured.

My heart pounded wildly, and I wanted to shake my head, but his grip on my hair kept me still. I could only lean into him, his hold on me the only thing preventing me from melting into a puddle when he brushed his lips over mine again.

“We’re going to be late,” Luka pointed out.

That caught my attention and my eyes flew open. Grayson rolled his eyes, shooting Luka a dirty look as he gently released me. I sat back in my seat, blinking rapidly. My mind was turning to mush around these three, and it took most of the ride to the office for me to clear my head.

No one seemed to notice me arriving with Grayson and Luka, which was a relief. I was already the center of too much gossip. I didn’t need to add more. I hightailed it to my desk, throwing myself into my work. We arrived on time on most people’s schedules, but for me and Grayson, we were late, and we had a lot to get done. I had no time to overthink what happened in the car, last night, or the fact that somehow, I managed to end up with three boyfriends. Three. Me. It didn’t make any sense.

I wasn’t this girl. I wasn’t the one who had wild sex with multiple people. I was boring. Alan said so himself. How did I end up here? And what was going to happen once it was all over? Was I ever going to be able to go back to the way things were? Did I even want to?

Chapter Thirty-Eight


I was avoiding Bennett. For the first few days, he’d shoot me confused looks and try and talk to me, but the longer I avoided him, the more upset he looked. Even on nights where we all spent time together, I avoided his eyeline and made sure to keep Julie between us. It was childish, I knew that, but my mind had some kind of mental block that I couldn’t get past. Not until Grayson said something I couldn’t ignore.

“I’m worried about Bennett.”

We were supposed to be talking about the investor issue we were having. It started off as a rumor, but it was looking more and more like he was pulling out without giving us any reasoning why. To avoid things like budget cuts and layoffs, we needed to pull in enough investors from the gala to match or overreach what we’d be losing.

“Why?” I kept my eyes on my paperwork, like that would somehow mask the anxiety I got whenever his name was brought up.

“I don’t think he’s sleeping well. He’s got dark circles under his eyes and he’s more quiet than usual. The last time he was like that, he was having nightmares so bad that he had to get a prescription just to stop him from going insane.”

I stiffened. No matter what happened between us, I didn’t want Bennett to suffer. He was still my friend. Even if I was doing a shit job acting like it lately.

“Have you tried talking to him?”
