Page 83 of Secretary Seduction

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Her gaze flicked from me to him. Then she put out her hand. “Give me your phone.”

He blanched. “W-What? No!”

She shrieked, stomping her foot, which looked painful in those strappy heels. “If you don’t have a girlfriend, then show me your phone!”

The doors to the elevator slid open, but the couple didn’t follow when I stepped inside. The woman was busy screaming at a pale faced Alan, who was trying to argue about her seeing his phone.

“There’s work stuff on there! It’s private!”

“If you’re using your personal devices for work, I’m going to have to write you up. That’s against company policy,” I grumbled.

Alan whipped around and glared at me. “Shut up!”

“So which is it, Alan? Are you going to admit to breaking the rules at work or are you hiding something from me?” the woman demanded.

I never got to hear his answer. The elevator doors slid shut, blocking out their shouts. I smirked to myself, sending a message to Luka to have someone check Alan’s devices. If we could get him fired, it’d be a nice present for Julie. She was still nervous about bumping into him, even though she knew he wouldn’t say anything while me or Luka was around.

Luka’s response came back quick, a gif of a racoon rubbing their claws together with a giddy expression. I snorted, tucking the phone back into my pocket as I headed to my place. I thought about texting Julie to see if he’d ever mentioned keeping work stuff on his phone, but I didn’t want to drag her into the middle. She dealt with his crap enough for one lifetime.

It took a while to get things cleaned up, and I was just throwing in a second load of laundry when there was a knock at my door. I frowned as I went to answer it. When I found Luka waiting with a grimace on his face, I tipped my head.

“You have a key.”

He nodded, his face all scrunched. “I know. I felt stupid the minute I knocked, but then I felt dumb knocking and coming in anyway, so…”

He was still acting weird, but it made sense now. I stepped back, giving him room to come in.

“Thai food or Chinese?”

He visibly relaxed, slipping past me into my apartment. “Thai. But not that place on sixth. They always take forever to deliver.”

I shook my head. “I’ve been trying to find more local places. There’s a new one that I got a flier for last week that we can order from. They’ve got the same stuff.”

He dropped himself onto the couch, tugging off his tie and jacket. Luka wasn’t Grayson, and when work was done, the suit came off. He was like me, he preferred to be comfortable over looking nice.

Since I knew Luka was nervous about what happened between us, I thought I’d keep things simple for now. Just a normal hang out so he’d stop being so jumpy around me. I didn’t like him feeling so out of sorts and anxious. We ordered our food, played games, and argued about whether the coolest kills or highest number was better. By the time he was ready to head home, things felt normal again. I followed him to the door, rolling my eyes as he continued arguing even while pulling his jacket back on.

“You have to take gore factor into account. You can’t just snipe everyone and call yourself a winner.”

I was going to just let him head home. Tonight was great, and I felt like I had my friend back, but I could see the flush on his face. He was rambling because he was nervous, and I didn’t want to leave him with nothing. I put my hand on his waist, dipping to cover his lips with mine. I hadn’t considered him groaning at a simple gesture, or how much it’d turn me on when he did. I pushed him up against the door, sliding my tongue past his lips to tangle with his.

Luka was noisy. I knew that from the times we were with Julie together. Usually those noises were meant for her. When they were because of me, I lost my head a little, fisting my hands into his hair and pushing him harder against the door. He didn’t seem to mind me getting a little rough with him. He met me kiss for kiss, only jerking away when I ground my hips against his.

“Fuck,” he groaned, panting.

“Only if you want to.”

My reply made him snort, and he rolled his eyes, but I could still see the anxiety there. He ran his fingers through his hair, still uncertain.

He’d asked me to lead, and I trusted him to tell me when I went too far, so I made the decision for him, releasing him and grabbing his hand, pulling him to my room.

“Wh-What are we doing?”

I shook my head. “Nothing crazy. Trust me?”

He searched my face before nodding once. “Yeah. Alright.”

“Good.” I pulled him closer, fusing my mouth to his again. He seemed okay as long as I kept kissing him. I maneuvered us to the bed, pushing him down first. He chuckled, shifting onto his elbows.
