Page 86 of Secretary Seduction

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“Julie? What’s wrong?”

I jumped, masking a grimace. “Oh, nothing. I’m fine. Thank you again for bringing me home. I’m sorry I fell asleep. It’s been a long week, and–”

He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around me. He was warm and I couldn’t help leaning into him to soak it up. He’d be gone before long and I’d stay cold until I was back at work the following morning.

“I may not be as good as Bennett at reading people, but I can tell when something’s wrong, Julie. You look upset.”

Burying my face against his chest in a pathetic bid to hide from him, I whimpered when he drew me away with a gentle grip on my arms. I lowered my gaze, embarrassed. I didn’t want to chase him away like I chased away Alan.

“Julie…” he cajoled softly.

Biting my lip, I fought back a wave of tears. “It’s nothing, I promise. I just… I hate sleeping alone and I know the guys have been busy, we’ve all been busy, and I understand that means things can’t always go smoothly. It’s stupid, really, and I slept alone a lot when I was with Alan, but the guys started staying over on their nights and on nights together, and I thought it was nice, and now they’ve been leaving afterwards and I miss it and I–”

Pulling me back against his chest, Grayson shushed me softly. I couldn’t help the tears that slipped out. I held my breath, waiting for him to berate me, to remind me that he had work and couldn’t coddle me all the time.

“I’m sorry. It’s been a long time since I was in a relationship, and I realize now I’ve been neglecting your needs. As for the other two, I’m pretty sure they’re avoiding each other, not you. It’s not fair to take it out on you, though, and I’ll speak to them to make sure they understand that.”

Shaking my head made my face rub against his chest. “No, it’s not your fault. I understand you’re busy. I shouldn’t be so demanding of your time. Maybe it’s hormones or something. Not that you needed to know that. Just ignore me.”

He chuckled, cuddling me closer. “You ramble when you’re nervous. Luka does that too. Though, he’s less gracious about it. He usually throws in a few insults to take the attention off of what he’s truly trying to say.” Grasping my chin, he tipped my face up to his. “You’re not demanding by stating your needs, Julie. You are just as much part of this relationship as the rest of us, and you deserve to be taken care of. And I wouldn’t call it a hardship to sleep beside you. Would you prefer to stay here or would you like to stay at my place?”

“R-Really? Just like that?”

His thumb stroked along my chin, soothing my frayed nerves. “As long as you remain open and honest with me, I will do my best to make sure all your needs are met. I’m sure the others would say the same thing. If you don’t like sleeping alone, then I’d like to stay. If you’ll have me.”

I nodded quickly before blinking. “Oh, um… Maybe your place is better. Bennett said my bed is too small.”

He chuckled. “Considering his size, I think most beds are too small for him.”

True. Bennett was bigger than both Grayson and Luka, but I always felt bad when his feet hung over the edge of my bed. I’d suggested a few times having his night be at his place, but he always seemed reluctant. I got the feeling it was because he didn’t want me to run into Alan, and I appreciated it more than I’d admit out loud. I shouldn't have been avoiding him, but I wasn’t sure what to say. He wasn’t ever kind when we ran into each other. It felt easier just to stay hidden.

“Tell you what. Let’s have a look, see if it’s Bennett’s thing or an actual problem. If it’s too small, we’ll pack you a bag and you can come stay with me. Okay?”

Nodding, I let out a breath, leading Grayson farther into my little apartment. I’d had the guys here more than once now, but I felt a little awkward with Grayson. We hadn’t spent much time outside of work alone together. When we stopped inside my room, I chewed on my lip, frowning. It never felt this awkward with Bennett or Luka.

Grayson stepped around me, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. “He has a point. I think all three of us have king-size beds. But I wouldn’t be opposed to staying here if it makes you more comfortable.” He gave his attention back to me and frowned, tipping his head. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.”

I shook my head quickly. “N-No, I just–”

“Julie, come here.”

His tone was firm and commanding and I stepped forward automatically, stopping when I stood between his parted legs. He snaked a hand around my waist, pulling me into his lap, and rested a hand on my neck.

“Tell me what’s bothering you.”

The hold was loose, gentle, but it still made me shiver. I looked up at him helplessly.

“I don’t…” His eyes narrowed, and I swallowed my reply. He’d asked me to be honest with him. Pushing past the nerves, I forced the words from my throat. “I feel awkward. I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing right now.”

It didn’t feel like this with the other two. Like I was waiting for directions. I wanted Grayson to stay more than anything, but I didn’t know how to make this easier.

“Good girl,” he murmured, rubbing his thumb along my bottom lip. My whole body shuddered at his praise and the corner of his mouth ticked up. “Did you want me to tell you what to do?”

His silky voice wrapped around me like a spell, holding me captive in his gaze. I could only nod, fidgeting when his smile turned indulgent. He leaned closer, pressing his lips firmly against mine, but he didn’t deepen it. He pulled away, jerking his chin.

“We’ll stay here tonight. Let’s go to the kitchen. We can make some dinner and relax before bed.”

All my breath came out of me in a rush. With the way he’d been talking, I thought maybe we’d be staying in bed, but Grayson only patted my hip before helping me to my feet. Disappointment settled in my stomach as I followed him out of the room. I reached for the takeout menus, pausing when Grayson moved toward the fridge instead.
