Page 87 of Secretary Seduction

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“I’ve been eating out too much. If you have a stocked kitchen, I think we should make something.”

Surprised, I nodded. “Yes, the kitchen is stocked. Or the grocery store is just down the street if we need to pick up supplies. Are… Are you sure? I can make something if you’d rather relax. You’ve had a long day.”

He lifted an eyebrow at me. “So have you. You forget, you work alongside me. I generally don’t let Luka or Bennett in the kitchen with me, but you and I work well together. I think we’ll do fine. Spaghetti for dinner?”

Chapter Forty-One


Cooking with Grayson was actually more relaxing than I thought. He took control, telling me what he needed, and I didn’t have to overthink anything. I liked it more than I probably should’ve, following his orders. Maybe it had something to do with us working together, but this didn’t feel anything like at the office. Once the sauce was simmering and the noodles were boiling, I set to work on making more muffins for the following morning.

“I’m still stunned that you started making me breakfast the first week working with me and I never knew.”

Biting my lip, I focused on mixing the batter to hide my blush. “You like to eat healthy, but you have a sweet tooth. I tried looking into delivery or something through the cafeteria, but none of it looked really appetizing, and there was a potential that it could be late since you arrive at work so early. I found a healthy recipe online. I figured it was easier and I like baking, so I didn’t mind.”

His hands rested on my waist as he stepped up behind me. When his lips brushed against my neck, I tipped my head, melting against him.

“Your perfection knows no limits, sweetheart.” He said it low and sultry, making me shiver and bite back a whimper. When I looked up at him over my shoulder, his gaze was heated, and my pulse pounded wildly in response.

He leaned closer, his lips just barely grazing over mine before he spoke. “Dinner is almost ready. Put your muffins in the oven. They can cook while we’re eating.”

With that, he released me, moving to check on the sauce. I stood frozen for a moment, my whole body throbbing, still trapped in his spell.

“Better hurry, sweetheart.”

Blinking rapidly, I jerked my attention back to the mixing bowl. I quickly poured the mix into the muffin pan, sticking it into the oven and setting the timer right as Grayson finished plating our food. He poured us both some wine before nudging me to the living room and sitting beside me.

It was hard to concentrate on eating when he was around. Every time I snuck a look at him, he flashed me a grin that gave me butterflies and warmed me to my toes. By the time we finished, my skin felt like it was on fire and a steady throb pulsed between my legs.

While I pulled the muffins out and set them on a cooling rack, Grayson cleaned up from dinner. Every time he stepped past me, he’d brush his body against mine, just enough to tease me. I was starting to tremble from the prolonged teasing, and when he kissed the side of my neck, I let out a shuddering sigh before I could stop it.

“Come on, we should get ready for bed.”

Surprised, I spun around to face him. An amused look overtook his features, and my stomach sank. Maybe he only planned on teasing. He didn’t want to actually get involved last time, either. It felt like he wasn’t interested in more and I dropped my gaze, nodding slowly. I followed him back into the room, trying to mask my disappointment. At least, until he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest, whispering in my ear.

“I like to shower before bed. Care to join me?”

Sucking in a sharp breath, I glanced over my shoulder at him. He brushed his lips over mine, coaxing me to open up with a brush of his tongue along my bottom lip. When his tongue dipped in to dance with mine, all the pent-up feelings from earlier slammed into me, leaving me trembling and eager in his arms. But before I could turn around to face him, he patted my hip again.

“Come on.”

This time, I followed him eagerly, scooting past him to start the water while he removed his suit jacket and tie. His arms wrapped around me again, pulling me tightly against his chest, and he buried his face against my neck, his five o’clock shadow scraping against my skin.

“Do you have any idea how many times I’ve thought about this? I’ve been obsessing since the day you walked into my office.”

Tipping my head to give him more room, I sighed when he kissed a path along my neck. “No, you haven’t.”

He nipped me, making me gasp. “You have no idea. I was ready to kick my best friends’ asses when they got to you first.”

My brow furrowed, even as my body sang under his praise. He slowly undressed me, pulling my blouse free of my skirt, almost distracting me from my question.

“But… Last time–”

He chuckled, low and gravelly, making me bite my lip. “I didn’t want my first time with you to be shared with others. I’m not very good at sharing, so my participation will take a while outside of when we’re alone together. Give me a chance to be a little selfish with you.”

“Did… Did you not want to be there? I didn’t want to make you think you had to or–”

Spinning me around, Grayson slid his hands into my hair, keeping me captive as he devoured my mouth. I moaned, arching into him, and my stomach flipped when he dragged me against his very obvious erection.
