Page 89 of Secretary Seduction

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His words made me moan, and he rewarded me by starting his thrusts again, slow and measured this time. I saw his gaze shift in the mirror, probably to my breasts, and the flush in my cheeks spread downwards, staining my chest.

He groaned, moving his hands back up to pull and tweak my nipples. “I’m never going to be able to get any work done, knowing a beautiful goddess is just on the other side of my office door. So damn perfect.”

I glanced at his questing hands, letting out a sigh. I wasn’t sure I fully agreed with everything that he was saying, but his skin did look nice against mine, and I liked watching the way he touched me in the mirror. If I focused more on that than on my perceived flaws, then it was easier to let myself enjoy it.

When I lifted my gaze to his again, he looked proud of me. And in reward for looking at myself in the mirror, he roughened his thrusts, completely melting my mind. My mouth fell open, and I tipped my hips, crying out as he hit the perfect angle. His face tightened, his teeth bared as he picked up the pace, pounding into me until I went blind from the pleasure.


It exploded through me, my whole body throbbing with wave after wave of intense pleasure. Grayson’s growl tapered into a shout and he stiffened behind me, his cock jerking inside me.

I collapsed forward, leaning my head against the counter. I could still feel the pulsing between my legs, and it made me shiver. Grayson slipped out of me, stepping away to dispose of the condom before gently peeling me off the counter and into his arms. He settled me on the bed before climbing in next to me and pulling the blankets up to my chin.

“Sleep, beautiful goddess. We’ve got another long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

With a contented hum, I let my eyes drift shut. I looked forward to every work day, but I looked forward to it more now that I’d gotten this moment with Grayson. I knew he’d never do anything at work, but him telling me he was thinking of it while we were there would give me something to think about throughout the day. I smiled to myself, shifting closer when Grayson pulled my back against his chest and pressed a kiss to the back of my neck. My life felt a little perfect, and I wanted to enjoy it for as long as it stayed that way.

Chapter Forty-Two


“Is that all, Miss Summers?”

I rolled my lips between my teeth, trying to hide my smile. “That’s it, Emily. And really, you can just call me Julie. We’re not that formal here. I really appreciate all your help.”

She beamed at me, bouncing on her toes. “Sorry. Habit. Are you looking forward to the gala tomorrow?”

I scrunched my nose. “Yes, and no. It sounds fun, but I’m a little nervous. What about you?”

She nodded emphatically. “Same. I’m honestly surprised I’m invited. I’ve only been working here a week.”

I lifted a shoulder. “And I’ve been working here for less than six months. It’ll be mostly business for me and Mr Andrews, but you should have some fun and get to know your coworkers a little. I’ve made some really close friends in the short time I’ve been working here.”

Emily was my new assistant, an eager to please recent college grad who reminded me a lot of myself. She actually questioned whether I got the wrong person when I hired her, assuming there was someone better for the job. We set her up at a desk across from me, on the other side of the door to Grayson’s office. She handled a lot of Grayson’s needs in the office, like answering phones and bringing him coffee, so I could focus on the meetings and putting together the notes I took into something the legal office and product management could work with. The new responsibilities were both exciting and a little nerve-wracking, but Grayson assured me almost daily that I was doing well and helping him a lot, and that was most important to me. He smiled a lot more, and I had several people come up to me asking what was different about him that made him so relaxed.

Me helping him at work wasn’t the only thing that put Grayson in a better mood, but I wasn’t exactly going to share that part. He managed to convince Bennett and Luka to give him two days of us together, since they got to spend more time with me than he had. Luka argued against it, but Bennett offered a compromise where we added another group night so they all got to see me, and told Luka on the nights I was busy with Grayson, they would play video games at his place as a distraction. It meant almost every night of the week was busy for me, but I loved not having to go home to an empty apartment, so I wasn’t about to start complaining.

My phone buzzed on my desk, and I immediately pressed the button to reply before Emily had the chance.

“Yes, Mr Andrews?”

His voice sounded amused as he replied. “Aren’t you supposed to be delegating answering this line?”

I pursed my lips together, shooting Emily an apologetic look. “I do believe the saying is kettle, meet pot.”

He chuckled. “Touche. Is everything set for the gala?”

“Yes. I checked in with the coordinator a few hours ago and she said everything was set as requested. All the RSVPs have been returned, and it’s looking to be a full house.”

“Good. Come see me when you finish the write-up from this morning’s meeting. That’s all for now.”

Once I hung up, Emily let out a heavy sigh. “Wow. I don’t think I’ll ever be as efficient as you.”

I smiled at her. “You’ve only been working here a week. Give it time. You’re doing great.”

She smiled gratefully before returning to her tasks. I was just finishing up the document I’d been working on, so it only took a few extra minutes before I was knocking on Grayson’s door and poking my head into his office. He was on the phone, but he waved me in, mouthing for me to shut the door. I did as he asked, bringing the documents to his desk.

“Yes, I understand. Thank you.”
