Page 90 of Secretary Seduction

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He hung up, coming around the desk and pulling me into his arms. I giggled, shaking my head.

“You’re not very good at following your own rules.”

He buried his face against my neck, nipping at me. “Not when it comes to you, I’m not. You’re a beautiful temptation. Whose night is it tonight?”

I pursed my lips, failing to hide my smile. “Mine. I have some last-minute shopping to do before the gala.”

Growling, he nipped at my earlobe. “Tell me you need company.”

It was an order that I very nearly followed, but I shook my head, pushing against his chest. “No, I need to pick up my dress, and I want to surprise all three of you. You’ve all been a huge boost to my confidence and I’m really looking forward to showing you.”

He sighed, releasing me. “I suppose I’d look like an ass if I refused such a beautiful sentiment. Fine. I’ll wait until afterwards. I’ve already talked to Luka and Bennett. We’re going back to my place once it's through.”

I shivered at his tone, biting my lip. Nights with all three of them were intense and so hot it was nearly unbearable, and I looked forward to it each and every time. Grayson’s grin turned wicked, and he stepped up to me, not quite touching me, the distance making me whimper.

“I’ve got plans for tomorrow night, Julie. You’d better prepare yourself.”

My stomach clenched, and I swallowed hard, already imagining all the possibilities. The next twenty-four hours were going to be the longest of my life.

The phone on Grayson’s desk buzzed, and he leaned to answer it without moving away from me.

“Yes, Miss Young?”

“G-Good Afternoon, Mr Andrews. Mr Reid and Mr V-Vincent are here to see you.”

I rolled my lips between my teeth to hide my smile. Emily was still new and really nervous around the higher ups. She also blushed a lot around Luka, which made me think she might have a little crush. I didn’t blame her. I still blushed around him and I’ve seen him naked.

Before Grayson could answer with something snarky, I opened the door to his office, grinning at the guys who were waiting by my desk.

“I don’t remember you two having a meeting with Mr Andrews today.”

Bennett smiled, and Luka winked at me as they strode past me. I barely had time to shut the door before I was swept into Luka’s arms for a kiss. When he released me, Bennett immediately took over, his kisses more gentle and sweet. Between the three of them, I was seriously reconsidering my night to myself.

“We all set for tomorrow?” Luka asked.

Grayson hummed his acknowledgement, leaning back against his desk with his arms crossed. “According to our beautiful girlfriend, yes. I’m going to stop in a few hours beforehand, just to make sure everything arrives as it should, but it’s looking to be a worthwhile event.”

Bennett’s hold on me loosened only slightly as he glanced over at the other two. Luka was in one of the chairs, his feet on the desk. I could see the muscle twitching in Grayson’s jaw, he couldn’t stand when Luka did that, so after one more small kiss for Bennett, I bustled over and nudged Luka’s feet down.

“Did you two pick up your tuxes? I can have them delivered if it’s too much trouble.”

Luka snagged my hand, pulling me into his lap. “Or you could deliver it yourself. What do you say?”

I rolled my eyes. “Not tonight. I have errands to run.”

Bennett came to join us, sitting in the other chair. “I picked mine up on the way to work. Not sure I’ll know how to tie the stupid tie though,” he grumbled. He’d complained plenty about wearing a tux to the gala. He called it a penguin suit.

Luka waved his hand dismissively. “I’ll help with that. You’ll just mess it up. Don’t worry, beautiful, I’ll pick mine up after work. Right before I come over to your place to make sure you got home alright.”

I giggled as Grayson rolled his eyes. “She said she’s busy. And you need to prepare for your speech.”

He sighed dramatically. “Yeah, yeah. I still don’t know why I have to do it. You’re the CEO.”

“And notoriously an ass. They’d rather hear from you than me.”

Luka made a face, bobbing his head. “I suppose you’re right. You are kind of an ass. A sadistic, overbearing–”

Grayson’s eyes narrowed. “Keep going. I dare you.”
