Page 91 of Secretary Seduction

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Luka’s jaw snapped shut and I couldn’t help but laugh. None of us argued about Grayson controlling things when we were all together. I liked not having to think about it or stress if I was doing something wrong. I could just do as he asked and enjoy myself.

The phone buzzed again, and Grayson sighed. Pushing off Luka’s lap, I flashed him a smile before answering the phone.

“Yes, Emily?”

The relief in her voice was almost palpable. “You and Mr Andrews have a meeting scheduled in twenty minutes. Did you want me to bring down the files?”

“No, I’ll do it. Thank you, though.”

When I hung up, Luka grinned. “What do you think she’d do if I answered?”

I rolled my eyes. “Nothing, because you won’t. Leave my assistant alone.” He was only teasing, and I knew he wouldn’t actually mess with Emily. He’d tamed a little in the last week or so. He flirted less with others, and generally just seemed happy without being obnoxious. All three of them seemed brighter, and it was a serious boost to my self-esteem to think that I had a small part in that.

* * *

I stopped by the tailor to pick up my dress on the way home. I was nervous about it. It was a lot more revealing than I was used to wearing. I hurried home, eager to try it on. I was never eager to try on new clothes, but this time, knowing there were three handsome men waiting to see me in it, I couldn’t wait.

I tossed my keys onto the counter, rushing to my room. I nearly stumbled, stripping out of my clothes, and laughed to myself as I steadied myself on the edge of the bed. Pulling on the dress, I sucked in a sharp breath. It was satin, so soft, and fit like a glove. The zipper on the side slid easily into place and I ran my hands down my sides, smoothing out the material.

It was beautiful. I spent hours looking for something to wear to the gala. I had several shopping sessions with each of the guys, getting their opinions and soaking in their praise, until I finally found one I liked. It was off the shoulder, with a sweetheart neckline, and just enough of a billow to the skirt to make me feel fancy. Deep red, it hugged my curves without drawing an uncomfortable amount of attention to them. I actually felt pretty in the dress, with the way it made my waist look smaller and the slit up the side drew focus to my legs.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I tipped my head. In the years I was with Alan, I had never felt this pretty before. Some of that was the dress, and the way it was tailored to fit me. But a lot of it was because when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t hear Alan’s voice anymore, making snide comments and backhanded compliments. I heard Bennett’s gentle admiration, and Luka’s appreciative flattery. I saw Grayson’s heated gaze and heard his growl of approval. All three of them were hell bent on making me see myself the way they saw me, and I didn’t flinch in the mirror anymore. I twisted and turned, admiring the dress from all angles.

I was actually looking forward to the gala now. Not only to show off to the guys, but also just because I felt good about myself. I had some work to do, sure, but I felt like I could truly enjoy it without worrying about what people thought of me or what I would say running into Alan. There was nothing left to say. I was happy, and I didn’t need his approval anymore. I didn’t need anyone’s approval but my own, and I felt fantastic.

Chapter Forty-Three


Everything was running smoothly, just like Julie had promised. I arrived while they were still setting up, and the coordinator walked me through everything that was put together for the night. I always thought galas like this were a waste of money, but they were also necessary to draw in new investors and clients for our company. Julie took the reins on putting it together and it showed in the attention to detail of the event. Nothing was out of place and no space was without decor or attraction.

It was vastly different from what I’d originally planned, and I was thankful for that. Luka had mentioned more than once that what I was planning was too low key and wouldn’t draw in the right crowd. I thought he was being obnoxious until Julie agreed with him. She offered to help and since it was such a pain in the neck, I agreed without question.

Julie’s take on the gala was very elegant. She moved the event from one of our conference rooms to the historical society across town. There were red carpets leading to the event space, sparkling lights dangling from the ceilings, and the tables were immaculate. The event caterer had already stopped to greet me, showing me the food for the evening. Several courses and drink options to wine and dine the people we were trying to sway into investing. There was also a stage with a huge projector for speeches. It was all amazing, and I knew without a doubt that she didn’t break the bank either. That wasn’t Julie’s way, and I loved being able to hand things like this off to her and knew they were going to be just as perfect as she was.

“Is it possible to feel underdressed in a penguin suit?”

Glancing over my shoulder, I smirked at Bennett’s disgruntled look. He hated wearing a tux, almost as much as he hated big events like this. I gripped his shoulder, shaking my head.

“You look great. You even got the tie right. Good for you.”

He made a face. “Bow ties are stupid. Luka helped.”

I was glad they got past whatever was bothering them. Even uncomfortable and scowling, Bennett looked a lot better than he had before. The circles under his eyes were gone and the dark cloud over his head had disappeared. I knew how much his friendships mattered to him, and I could only hope that Luka would think it through before he decided to push Bennett away again.

The guests were pouring in, all decked out in their best outfits. I led Bennett away from the crowd, giving myself a little more time before I had to start working. This wasn’t going to be a relaxed event for me, but if all went well, it’d lead to some great things in the future.

“Where’s Luka?”

He frowned, looking around. “He was right behind me.”

I scanned the incoming crowds, rolling my eyes when I found him. He was hanging out near the caterer, eyeing the food she was preparing.

“Do me a favor and get him away from her. They’ll start serving appetizers in a little while. I don’t need him distracting her.”

Bennett followed my eyeline before snorting. “You really think he’ll listen to me?”

True. Sighing heavily, I marched across the room to where the caterer was sneaking an appetizer to Luka.
