Page 123 of Illicit Monster

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"Aye. They're in classes, shopping, restaurants, everywhere. There's some with me and Maeve, but there's a lot with her and Arianna."

"Goddammit. Fucking security should have alerted us about this," he booms.

"Agreed. Get your guys on the phone, now."

"Heads are going to roll," Killian declares.

"No doubt," I growl.

We hang up.

I call Maeve's security team, and the head guy, Dion, answers. "Tynan, what can I do for ya?"

"Who the fuck's not doing their job?" I accuse.

"What are ya talking about?" he questions.

"I have a video of my wife all over town with me. Then she's on the screen with Arianna O'Malley. What the fuck is going on?"

"There's been no threats. No one's approached them," he claims.

I snarl, "Well, someone's watching them."

The line goes silent.

"You better figure it out and figure it out fast. Your ass is on the line. Do you understand me?" I threaten.

He assures me, "I'll take care of it."

"Who's with them now?" I question.

"Mayberry. He's our best. You know he won't let anything happen to either of them."

"He better not, or your kids will be fatherless," I threaten, then hang up. Then, I pace the office.

A debate begins on whether to bring Maeve home immediately or not. I don't want to scare her, and I don't want her to not be able to live her life. Yet someone is watching her, and both Killian's and my guys knew nothing about it.

I continue to pace, still unsure what to do, and my dad walks into the room, interrupting my thoughts. He asks, "Why do you look so scared?"

I turn toward him. "When did ya get back?"

"Just now. What the fuck's going on?" he questions, then takes out a cigar and lights it. He inhales deeply and then blows a ring above his head. He mutters, "Feels so good to be home and smoking in my own house."

I start pacing again.

He steps closer. "Tynan, I asked ya what's going on."

"Someone's watching my wife, and Arianna too."

His eyes turn to slits. "Who?"

"The O'Learys. They've got men over here."

"How do ya know?"

I point to the laptop and hit a button.

Dad steps in front of it and watches the video. He declares, "Looks like ya got a problem on your hands, son."
