Page 165 of Illicit Monster

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Alaina's face pops up.

I demand, "Where are they?"

She answers, "They're underground."


"I'm sending ya the address, but I want them finished off for good," she snarls, her greens narrowing.

I sniff hard. "We'll handle it."

Her face darkens. She adds, "I mean it. I want them obliterated. I don't want any O'Leary left. When you're done, I'm burning all of Dublin."

Everyone goes silent.

Brody questions, "Do ya know what you're saying?"

She nods. "I do. When you're in the safe zone, let me know."

Brody prods, "Are ya sure you're ready to do that?"

She snaps, "Why are ya questioning me?"

"There are consequences. I want to make sure, a stór," he states.

She lifts her chin, insisting roughly, "I'm sure. I'm detonating our bombs when you're in the safe zone. No O'Leary will ever hurt O'Connor women again. This time, I'll make sure of it."

Goose bumps cover my arm. One thing Alaina has always tried to do is protect the women, even when we don't see it.

Brody affirms, "I'll let ya know when we're in the safe zone."

My phone pings and the location pops up from Alaina.

She asks, "Did ya get my text?"

"Aye," I reply.

She warns, "Make sure ya all come out alive. And don't make any mistakes about not being in the safe zone."

I knew Brody and Alaina had been planting bombs all over Dublin, but I didn't think she'd ever pull the trigger.

Devin states, "You're going to make the dock explosion look like nothing, aren't ya?"

Alaina's expression turns harder. She answers, "It'll make it look like a pin dot. So make sure you're in the safe zone."

A chill runs down my spine.

"We'll let ya know when we're in it," Brody repeats and then turns off the screen.

Alaina's face disappears.

Aidan whistles. "Going to be a huge fire tonight." He cracks his knuckles and then grabs the lighter in the cupholder and flicks it.

I hand my phone to Brody. "That's the address."

He drives down the street. The location is the next block over, so he veers left.

I stare at the different numbers on the buildings. Then I yell out, "It's there! Fifth building."
