Page 167 of Illicit Monster

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"It's not my fault," he claims.

"He kidnapped me. He signed a contract," Maeve cries out.

The fear in her voice tears into my heart. I can't imagine what she's been through, and part of me is scared to find out.

I want to hold her, but my rage and need for revenge is too strong. I grab Malachy around the throat and push him up to the wall so he's on his toes.

He gasps for air.

I order, "Get Maeve out of here."

"No! I don't want to leave ya," she states.

"Get her out of here, now," I demand, not wanting to make her watch me kill Malachy.

There's no way I can let him live after what he's done. He'll always be a threat, thinking she's some sort of payment to bet at his own will.

"Leave me alone," he begs.

I glance at Brody, and he slides his arm around Maeve's waist. He pulls her toward the door.

"Let me go!" she screams again, trying to fight. But her arms are tied behind her back, and she is no match for my brother.

The minute he pulls her into the hallway and shuts the door, Aidan steps closer. He ignites his lighter next to Malachy's face, suggesting, "Maybe we should burn him."

Devin steps next to me. "Ya could douse him in that alcohol that he loves so much."

It all sounds appealing. Aidan would love nothing more than to see him burn. Neither would Devin. Hell, I wouldn't mind it either. But the only thing I want to do is get back to Maeve at this point.

I lean into Malachy's face, squeezing harder, and I growl, "You've always been a piece of shit. I warned ya to stay in London."

He chokes.

I take my knife out, and I put the flat of the blade against his nose.

He shakes harder, still gasping for air.

"You're lucky I love your daughter, or I'd make sure ya burn slowly from the feet up."

His eyes grow wider.

I take the knife, and I slice his jugular. Blood flows down his chest. His eyes roll to the back of his head.

I release him, and he falls to the ground, landing with a thud.

"Ya took all my fun away," Aidan whines.

"Aye. That could have been way more entertaining," Devin agrees.

"Shut up. Let's go," I order and wipe the knife on Malachy's pants. I close the blade and put it back in my pocket. Then I open the door and hoof it halfway down the tunnel where Brody has Maeve.

Her hands are untied, and she's sobbing into his chest.

I pull her into me, and she blurts out, "Is my da dead?"

"Aye," I tell her, hoping she doesn't end up hating me.

She cries harder.
