Page 17 of Illicit Monster

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As tempting as it is, and as much as I feel the electricity between us, my pride won't let me.

He's my enemy.

I don't move and somehow make it through his kiss, not returning any of his affection. He pulls back, shakes his head, and rolls off me. "You're going to need to get over this," he declares, then shuts off the light and turns toward the wall.

My pulse continues to pound so loud I wonder if he can hear it. I tell myself to stay awake, but I can't. I'm in the most comfortable bed I've ever laid in, and I quickly fall asleep.

When I finally open my eyes, sunlight filters through the window, and the smell of bacon, pancakes, and coffee flares in my nostrils. My stomach growls loudly, and I sit up.

"About time ya woke up." Tynan's voice fills the air.

I turn my head.

He sits next to a table full of food, with a mug of coffee in his hand. He orders, "Come eat. We have stuff to do today."

I don't bother to ask him what. There's no point. He's the one in charge, and there's no debate over it.

I get out of bed, then realize I'm in my underwear.

The heat fills his eyes again as they dart to my feet and back up.

I rush toward the closet, pull out a robe, slide into it, and tighten the belt around me.

He chuckles. "You're fighting a losing battle, lass."

I ignore him and sit down, staring at the food, suddenly starving and realizing I haven't eaten since breakfast the day before.

He hands me a piece of buttered soda bread.

I grab it and take a bite, barely tasting it, wishing he'd stop staring at me. I chew and swallow.

He pushes a cup of coffee toward me. "Wasn't sure what ya put in it."

I roll my eyes. "I'm Irish. I drink tea."

He groans. "Of course ya do."

He picks up the teapot and fills a cup. "There ya go, princess."

I ignore his comment, asking, "How long are ya keeping me prisoner here?"

"Prisoner? You're not my prisoner, and it's best if ya keep that out of your vocabulary," he warns.

I scoff. "Ya seem to have a list of things I can't say."

"Aye. The last thing I need is people getting the wrong idea about us."

I huff. "So I'm free to go? I don't need to stay with ya all day?"

"Of course ya need to stay with me. You're my new bride."

"How many brides have ya had?"

His lips twitch. "One. You're the luckiest lass in all of Ireland and New York."

"Wouldn't call it lucky."

His face falls. "Eat your breakfast."
