Page 185 of Illicit Monster

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Me: So do you. I agree that teddy was the best for both of us.

Arianna: You should never doubt my fashion choices.

I laugh out loud.

Me: I'll make a note of that.

Arianna: I hearted the ones I think you should have her print.

Me: Okay, thanks. I'll take a look.

I scour the pictures forever and end up choosing the photos that Arianna hearted. I agree they're the best. I email the photographer and ask her if there's any way I can get them today. I also tell her what frames I want.

She immediately replies that she'll get on it and do a rush order for me.

By midafternoon, they arrive. I put them in our bedroom and stare at them.

I need help to get them on the wall.

Maybe Tully can help me.

No. What am I thinking?

Crap! Who can I ask?

I go down to his office and knock on the door.

Tully looks up. "Everything okay, Maeve?"

"Yea. Do ya have a hammer and nails?"

Amusement fills his expression. "I'm sure we do somewhere. Is there a reason ya need them?"

My face heats. "I'm adding some photos to the wall."

"I can have one of the guys hang your pictures for ya," he offers.

I blurt out, "No, no. It's fine. I want to do it."

He arches his eyebrows. "Ya sure ya don't want any help?"

I insist, "Yea. Can ya just tell me where I can find the nails and hammer?"

"I'll have them delivered to your room. Does that work?" he asks.

"Perfect. Thanks, Tully." I leave, and within minutes, the maid, Corvina, appears. She hands me the nails and a hammer, asking, "Do ya need any help?"

I decide she'll eventually see the pictures on the wall anyway, so I motion for her to come in. I lower my voice. "Can ya not tell anyone what we're about to do?"

Corvina arches her eyebrows. "Is it illegal?"

I giggle. "No. Just a secret."

Her lips twitch. "Okay."

"And can ya not tell anyone about this in general? Like ever?"

She nods and crosses her heart. "Swear on my mother's grave. Now, what am I keeping a secret about?"
