Page 22 of Illicit Monster

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I freeze. "Of course not."

"How do ya know? I'm probably not on the top of his list of lasses ya could have married."

I chuckle. "You're not the first O'Leary in our family. You're the fourth. Our family's getting used to this. Now, come on." I put my hand on her back, leading her back to the parking area, and we get in the car.

I drive to Brody and Alaina's, preparing myself for my father's speech, which I'm sure I'll get.

When we pull through the gate and up to the house, I steer Maeve inside and go to Brody's office. I point to the chair outside the entry. "Why don't ya have a seat while I deal with some things first?"

Maeve sits down, her nerves all over her expression. "Okay, but don't leave me here for a long time, okay?"

"Aww. You're missing me already?" I tease.

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head again. "No, I don't want to be alone in this mansion. What if they question me?"

I put my hands on the armrests and my face in front of hers, smirking. "Then tell them ya love me so much ya had to marry me."

She gives me a little glare. "Yea, I'll do that."

I graze her lips with mine, holding myself back from shoving my tongue in her mouth. "Okay, princess, I'll see ya in a bit." I wink and walk into the office.

My dad's alone, rolling his cigar in his fingers, surely wanting to smoke it but knowing that he can't. Alaina and Brody have a strict rule that he can only smoke on the back porch.

He finishes a phone call saying, "Get it done," and hangs up. Then, he puts the phone down and crosses his arms over his chest. "What the fuck have ya done?"

"I did exactly what ya told me to. I got married," I announce and grin as large as possible.

His eyes narrow. He points at me. "If ya forced a woman to marry ya—"

"Who said I forced her? It was her choice."

"Ya expect me to believe that?"

"I don't care what you believe, it's true. I didn't force her to do anything she didn't want to," I insist.

Dad seethes, "Her da owed ya a debt. Ya don't think I know what ya did?"

I shrug. "It was an arranged marriage, but she still had the choice. She could have said no. And her da was in full agreement. He begged me to marry her."

My father's eyes turn darker. A red tinge of anger fills his face. "You've done tons of stupid things in your life, but this?"

I scoff. "What's so stupid about it? Ya told me to get married, and I married the woman I wanted to marry. Ya should be happy."

"There's no way that lass wanted to marry ya, and I'm going to question her," my father threatens.

"Fine. I'll go get my wife. She can tell ya for herself," I state, my chest tightening, praying that Maeve doesn't disappoint me.

I turn toward the door, and it's like she magically appears. She reaches for my arm, stepping beside me, and declares, "I assume you're Tynan's dad. Tully, is it?"

My father's face turns a bit nicer. He nods. "Aye, I sure am. Lass, has my son forced ya to do something ya didn't want to do?"

My heart races faster. I think I might have a heart attack. I grip Maeve's waist, stroking my thumb on her backside. I claim, "Dad, I told ya she wasn't forced to do anything."

"Let the lass speak," my father's voice booms.

I glance at my wife.

She beams, sweetly chirping, "Of course I wasn't forced. Tynan had it bad for me the moment he saw me at the pub a few months ago. He's been pursuing me ever since. He's kind of obsessed with me, aren't ya, dear hubby?" She looks up and smiles, batting her lashes.
