Page 23 of Illicit Monster

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That's my girl.

I kiss her on the forehead. "Aye, I sure did. Totally obsessed."

My father asserts, "So you're telling me you're here on your own free will? This has nothing to do with the debt your da owes Tynan?"

Surprise fills Maeve's face. "Debt? My da owes him no debt. Tynan graciously cleared it and promised me he'd pay any of my father's debts going forward since he loves me so much. Didn't ya, babes?"

My head almost jerks backward, but I stop it.

What in God's name?

Before I can object, my father challenges, "Did ya now? Any debt that he makes, you agreed to cover?"

"He sure did," Maeve chirps, squeezing my waist in a warm hug.

I'm between a rock and a hard place. There's nothing to do but go with it. So I tug my wife closer and affirm, "Aye, I did. I wouldn't want my wife worrying about her old man getting into trouble anymore, now would I?"

Dad continues to assess us. There's no doubt he's not buying my story. He's giving me a look I've seen too many times, but he's not calling me out on it for some reason.

Maeve reaches up and puts her hand on my cheek, adding, "My husband's so sweet to me. He insisted on adding me to his bank account and giving me a credit card with no limit. I told him it wasn't necessary, but he said he'll do it later today. Didn't ya, babes?"

My gut drops.

What is she doing?

Amusement fills my father's face. He gives me an expression that I know too well. It's the, you made your bed, now you're going to lie in it, look.

My gut drops further. I'm totally fucked.

Dad turns toward Maeve and states, "Glad to know my son's treating ya so well. Is there anything else he's promised ya?"

My stomach dives and spins. He's totally baiting her, but I still can't say anything to stop it. Her eyes light up.

Oh shit.

She rises on her tiptoes, pecks me on the lips, and beams. "Yea, Tully, he did. He's insisting on buying me a Bugatti Voiture Noir as a wedding present."

Jesus Christ.

I tighten my fist at my side.

Dad whistles. "That's a twelve-million-euro car, son."

Maeve puts her arms around me and locks her fingers around my neck. Her eyes dance, and she coos, "I know. He's just so sweet, isn't he?"

I recover as quickly as possible and palm her ass, squeezing it. I'm going to take care of this later when we're alone.

She inhales slightly.

"Nothing but the best for my wife. And she can't keep her hands off me, can ya, princess?" I eliminate any room between us and hold her closer to me.

She smirks. "I sure can't. Sorry, not to be out of line or anything, Tully," she says, giving my father a sweet, innocent look.

He waves at her. "Oh no, you're fine. And if my son doesn't follow through on any of those promises, you come see me. I wouldn't want my new daughter-in-law getting anything less than promised, now would I?"

Maeve grins bigger. She spins against me and states, "Oh, Tynan's a man of his word. He'd never do that to me. Would ya, babes?" She glances back at me, batting her lashes again, and my dick hardens. As much as I should be annoyed, I'm surprisingly not. I knew this lass was going to be a challenge. She just committed me to spending millions of dollars on her and giving her access to things she shouldn't have access to, but not a bone in my body's mad about it.

And one thing I won't back away from is a good challenge. My wife just proved she's a manipulator, but she's no match against me.
