Page 26 of Illicit Monster

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"Stop calling me princess."

"Why? Ya don't like it? Ya seem to like it."

"Says who?"


"Whatever. Can we go to lunch, please?" I ask again.

He brushes his lips against my ear, and I hate myself because I shudder. He sees what he does to me. He puts his hand on my ass, and I once again wish I could push it off, but I can't. I actually like it there.

He warns, "I'm in charge. Don't forget it. Remember, if ya want your father's debts paid, and ya know damn well at some point you'll need me to do that, ya will be an obedient wife."

"You're annoying," I mutter.

He laughs again. "Yep. Now be a good wife and show my family how much ya love me."

I give him another nasty look. "I don't love ya. I will never love ya."

"You say that now, darling, but I guarantee ya, ya will."

I stay quiet. Time seems to stand still as the air thickens around us.

He finally opens the door and guides us through the room.

Everyone looks up. It's not the first time I've met the O'Connors. Brody, Aidan, and Devin are there, along with their wives, Alaina, Scarlet, and Lauren. And I know the women well because they were once O'Learys, just like me.

Alaina's holding her baby girl, Caireann. Devin's holding his son, Dominick. And even though I know everyone, everything has changed.

Nerves fill my belly. No one looks thrilled to see us.

Tynan stands taller, puffing his chest out. He pulls out a chair, and I sit. He takes the seat next to me.

Alaina and the other women toss dirty looks our way. I can't say his brothers look any happier.

I blurt out, "I'm sorry. If ya don't want me to be here, I can leave."

Alaina scrunches her forehead. "Why would we be upset with ya? He's the one who's been the dumbass, forcing ya to do something ya didn't want."

"I didn't force her," Tynan claims, frustrated, shaking his head. He puts his hand on my leg, and tingles rush to my core. He demands, "Tell them, princess."

"Oh, like we're going to believe anything she says when you're sitting right next to her," Scarlet accuses.

"I already went through this with Dad. I shouldn't have to go through it with you lot as well," Tynan states.

Tully clears his throat. "Oh, I don't know. It won't hurt to hear Maeve tell us again."

I groan inside. The last thing I want to do is have to declare my undying affection for Tynan again.

Tynan claims, "You're all ridiculous. Go ahead, Maeve. Tell them."

I square my shoulders and lift my chin. It's the only way to ensure Da's debts will be covered. Plus, what's done is done. I'm Tynan's wife now. I might as well go along with it. So I announce, "He didn't force me." And it's partly true. He did give me a choice, even if the consequence of not marrying him was horrible.

"Then how did this even happen?" Lauren asks.

"Aye. Tell us how ya two got together," Devin orders.

"You were there when we met. I don't understand why you're so confused," Tynan asserts.
