Page 29 of Illicit Monster

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But what do I have to do with this?

My voice shakes. "Why do the O'Learys want me?"

Guilt fills Da's expression. He refocuses on Tynan and reiterates, "She needs to come with me."

"My wife's not going anywhere."

Da's eyes widen. "Your wife?"

He seethes, "Aye. You made a bet with me and lost. You bet your own daughter. Or did ya forget?"

"There's no way ya already got married," Da insists.

Tynan steps between us and gently pushes me back. His voice darkens. "We got married last night. Your daughter is my wife, and ya are the one that gave her up so easily. So don't ya ever come on this property again and try to take my wife away. And especially not to the O'Learys. Do ya understand me?"

Da whines, "They'll kill me."

"I don't care," Tynan asserts.

"Tynan!" I scold.

He glances at me. Disgust fills his face. He turns back to Da, warning, "I mean it. From now on, ya leave my wife alone. She has nothing to do with your bets."

"They'll kill me and her," Da insists.

"Why would they kill her? You, I understand. Or did ya bet her again?" Tynan questions.

The color in Da's face drains.

My gut dives. One time was enough. But now he's wagered me to the O'Learys? I barely get out, "Da, ya didn't! Tell Tynan he's wrong!"

Da won't look at me. He keeps his gaze fixed on Tynan, insisting, "She has to come with me."

"She's not," Tynan states.

"She has to."

Tynan turns and points to the house. "Maeve, go inside."

I shake my head. "No."

His voice turns sterner. "Maeve, go inside. I'll be in in a minute."


"Maeve, now," he barks, and something tells me not to fight him.

I give Da one more look and slowly go into the house, holding back tears. I pace the foyer, and time seems to stand still.

Tynan finally comes inside and shuts the door.

I run up to him, fretting, "He's in over his head again, isn't he?"

"Of course he is. He has an addiction. Why else do ya think he'd come here?" Tynan answers in a nicer voice than I expected to hear.

I reason, "He can't help it. He's sick."

Tynan snorts. "Aye. I know. All gamblers eventually get to this point. He's no different."
