Page 30 of Illicit Monster

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Anger fills me. "Well, he's my da! I can't leave him to fend for himself!"

"Sure ya can. He doesn't deserve your help."

Tears fill my eyes. "Easy for the bookie to say, isn't it!"

Tynan crosses his arms, asserting, "Don't blame me for your father's sins."

"Because people like you prey on him!"

Tynan grunts. "Don't turn me into the devil."

"Aren't ya?" I accuse.

He steps forward and lowers his voice, declaring, "Your da made his own bed. He can sleep in it."

My entire body trembles. I've always been there to clean up Da's messes. I manage to get out, "They'll kill him."

Tynan's expression doesn't change.

I push on his chest. "Ya monster! Don't ya dare let my da die!"

Tynan's face hardens, and he digs his heels in, not moving even though I'm pushing him as hard as I can.

Tears escape, falling down my cheeks. I beg, "Ya promised me you'd cover his debts."

"No. You—"

"She what?" Tully's voice bellows.

Tynan slowly looks over my shoulder.

"Well, son?" Tully challenges.

"Please," I whisper.

Tynan sniffs hard, then tugs my head toward his. He murmurs in my ear, "When I get back, things are changing between us. Ya owe me, princess."

My insides quiver harder.

He meets my gaze, and I swallow hard.

"Are ya not going to keep your word to your wife?" Tully goads.

Tynan kisses my forehead and releases me. "I'll see ya later, sunshine."

"Where are ya going?" I question.

He gives me one final glance, answering, "I'm going to take care of it."

I ask, "How?"

"My way. You're not to go anywhere."

"What does 'my way' mean?" I'm suddenly afraid of what he might do to my da.

"That's not your concern." He takes my arm and leads me down the hallway. We return to the dining room, and he states, "Lauren, I need ya to show Maeve to a guest suite."

"Why?" she asks, glancing at both of us.
