Page 31 of Illicit Monster

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"Because I'm going to be gone for a while."

"Where are ya going?" I ask, scared of what he'll do once he's out of my sight.

He shakes his head and then pins his dark eyes on me.

A shiver runs down my spine.

In a dark voice, he declares, "Ya wanted me to take care of your father's mess. So now I'm going to."



Malachy's frail body slides into the car. I toss the black bag filled with cash I grabbed from Brody's safe into the back seat and get in on my side. I turn toward Malachy, warning, "This is the last time you'll come looking for your daughter or get her involved in any of your issues. Do I make myself clear?"

Hatred fills his bloodshot eyes.

"I mean it. Don't test me on this. And I expect an answer. Do ya understand what I'm saying?" I roar.

He flinches, then cowers toward the door, replying, "Aye."

"I mean it, Malachy. If ya put Maeve in any more situations like this, you'll feel my wrath."

He grumbles, "So you've said."

I add, "I won't have my wife being part of any of your dealings. From this point forward, whatever ya do, you're on your own. And I always follow through on my threats. So if ya think the O'Learys are scary, wait until ya see what I do to ya."

He turns away and stares out the windshield, slurring, "Let's just get on with it."

I grip the steering wheel, pissed off. I promised Maeve, and my father heard it, so there's no way I'm getting out of this ordeal. If I don't clear up this situation, my father will never let this go, and neither will Maeve. And I'll be damned if I let her down like her da's always done. Plus, a promise is a promise, even if she tricked me into it.

I pull out of the gate and glance around. "Did ya walk here?"

"Aye. I don't have a car."

"That's because ya gambled it away."

He stays quiet.

"Before we get there, I want to know why ya said they're after Maeve. Did ya promise her to someone else?" My knuckles turn white, gripping the leather wheel. I try to hold myself back from grabbing his throat and squeezing. He's a waste of a man. He doesn't even deserve to be on Earth right now.

He shakes his head. "Of course I didn't."

"Then why are ya claiming they're going to kill her?"

He shuts his eyes and leans his head back against the headrest.

I boom, "Well?"

He slurs, "Maeve will know what to do. She always does."

Anger fills me. "Ya just expect her to clean up all your messes, don't ya?"

He crosses his arms, and his eyes turn to slits. He claims, "She's my daughter. She always knows what to do."

"Goddammit! You're a pathetic piece of shit. Your daughter will never again solve your problems. Ya need to stop gambling. That's the only answer. Do ya not understand that?"

"I was going to win," he claims.
